
Formula One vs Touring Cars: Choosing a Career in Racing Driving
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05:10 - 07:57 (02:46)

The speaker talks about how he had to choose between Formula One and Touring Cars at the age of 10 and how his father had a significant influence on him picking racing driving. The danger in extreme diets followed by drivers made it a risky profession.

The podcast discusses the evolution of Formula 1 Racing, from the dangerous days of extreme dieting to the present-day efforts to rebuild its connection to the US.
05:10 - 06:28 (01:17)
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Formula 1 Racing

The podcast discusses the evolution of Formula 1 Racing, from the dangerous days of extreme dieting to the present-day efforts to rebuild its connection to the US.

Formula One vs Touring Cars: Choosing a Career in Racing Driving
889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about how parents can influence their child's career choices, using their own experiences with racing driving as an example.
06:28 - 07:57 (01:29)
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Career Choices

The speaker talks about how parents can influence their child's career choices, using their own experiences with racing driving as an example.

Formula One vs Touring Cars: Choosing a Career in Racing Driving
889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
The School of Greatness