
889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
CHAMPIONS AREN’T SUPER-HUMAN, THEY’RE SUPER-INTENTIONAL. I’ve noticed that there are two types of champions. One of them wins and says, “I am the greatest that ever lived.” The other says, “All of the glory goes to God.” Both of these mindsets have good results, but is one better than the other? You need a certain amount of arrogance to be the best. After all, self-doubt is the biggest crusher of dreams. But if you aren’t able to look at what you could be doing better, you’ll eventually decline. People won’t want to be around you. And you might destroy yourself in the process. So how can we lead with confidence and avoid getting a massive ego? On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about self-doubt and self-love with a sensitive, inspiring Formula One Champion: Nico Rosberg. Nico Rosberg followed in his father’s footsteps to win the Formula One World Championship in 2016. He grew up racing against Lewis Hamilton and constantly coming in second only to one day win the championship for himself. Nico shares how even though he was at the top of his field, he struggled with a fear of failure. In a field as macho as car racing, it’s inspiring to hear a man be so vulnerable. So get ready to learn how the tiny details matter when going for big wins on Episode 889. Some Questions I Ask: Why isn’t Formula One as popular in the US? (06:44) Do you feel like your dad pushed you? (11:00) How much does the car have to do with winning? (16:00) What was the biggest lesson your father taught you? (19:00) Where does your lack of self-love come from? (28:00) What do you think about during the races? (42:00) What’s the key to eliminating self-doubt? (46:00) In This Episode You Will Learn: How Nico avoids pushing his children too much (09:00) About Nico’s rivalry with Lewis Hamilton (15:00) The magic ingredient to success (25:00) The one thing Nico did that made him a world champion (38:00) The story of how Nico one the 2016 Formula One Championship (47:00) How coming in second to Lewis Hamilton affected Nico (52:00) Why failure is important (56:00) If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/889 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes
In this episode, Lewis Howes speaks about Dalai Lama's belief that building self-confidence is essential to building a better world and overcoming stress, anxiety and fear.
00:00 - 01:22 (01:22)
In this episode, Lewis Howes speaks about Dalai Lama's belief that building self-confidence is essential to building a better world and overcoming stress, anxiety and fear. He shares how doing hard things every day and mastering new skills can help build confidence that leads to reaching our true potential.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Former F1 World Champion, Nico Rosberg sits down with successful individuals to discuss their secrets to success and shares exclusive stories.
01:22 - 05:10 (03:47)
Former F1 World Champion, Nico Rosberg sits down with successful individuals to discuss their secrets to success and shares exclusive stories. In this episode, he talks about his upbringing, career, fear, and self-doubt on and off the racetrack.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker talks about how he had to choose between Formula One and Touring Cars at the age of 10 and how his father had a significant influence on him picking racing driving.
05:10 - 07:57 (02:46)
The speaker talks about how he had to choose between Formula One and Touring Cars at the age of 10 and how his father had a significant influence on him picking racing driving. The danger in extreme diets followed by drivers made it a risky profession.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The podcast discusses how parents can become obsessed with their children's accomplishments, potentially pushing their children too hard and causing harm.
07:57 - 10:25 (02:28)
The podcast discusses how parents can become obsessed with their children's accomplishments, potentially pushing their children too hard and causing harm.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker reflects on growing up with the constant pressure of following in the footsteps of his successful father in the same career path and discusses the balance needed between parental influence and personal ambition.
10:25 - 13:41 (03:16)
In this podcast, the speaker reflects on growing up with the constant pressure of following in the footsteps of his successful father in the same career path and discusses the balance needed between parental influence and personal ambition.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The son of a successful racer, this young driver is poised to become the greatest in his sport's 70-year history, while also enjoying the perks of increased sponsor interest.
13:41 - 15:59 (02:18)
The son of a successful racer, this young driver is poised to become the greatest in his sport's 70-year history, while also enjoying the perks of increased sponsor interest. However, he acknowledges the difficulty in balancing social media fame and actual talent in sport.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Racecar drivers can't be considered the best solely based on their driving skills as having the right car plays a significant role in their success.
15:59 - 19:00 (03:01)
Racecar drivers can't be considered the best solely based on their driving skills as having the right car plays a significant role in their success. The difference between the best and worst car can result in a four-second difference per lap.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The importance of maintaining good relationships and how they can positively impact your life.
19:00 - 20:49 (01:49)
The importance of maintaining good relationships and how they can positively impact your life. A look into building F1 cars with a team of 1,500 people and the staggering cost of the project.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The constant need to improve and fear are common themes that successful people face.
20:49 - 23:23 (02:33)
The constant need to improve and fear are common themes that successful people face. There is also the struggle of feeling superior to others.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The right amount of arrogance and self-confidence can provide the necessary strength to succeed in competitive and high-pressure environments.
23:23 - 28:21 (04:58)
The right amount of arrogance and self-confidence can provide the necessary strength to succeed in competitive and high-pressure environments. It is important to acknowledge and address one's blind spots, however, to avoid decline over time.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Despite being an incredibly successful performer with millions of fans, insecurities and self-doubts still exist.
28:21 - 31:25 (03:04)
Despite being an incredibly successful performer with millions of fans, insecurities and self-doubts still exist. The process of developing self-belief and eliminating insecurity can be difficult, but it requires self-love and practice.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker discusses moving away from the need to win and be the best, in order to achieve sustainable energy and self-love, and learning to enjoy the process of achieving dreams and feeling fulfilled daily.
31:25 - 36:03 (04:37)
The speaker discusses moving away from the need to win and be the best, in order to achieve sustainable energy and self-love, and learning to enjoy the process of achieving dreams and feeling fulfilled daily. They also mention the desire to have their words validated and the protectiveness around the ego in needing love.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Building good habits and being consistent with your goals can lead to long-term growth and happiness, surpassing the instant gratification that short-term habits provide.
36:03 - 40:16 (04:13)
Building good habits and being consistent with your goals can lead to long-term growth and happiness, surpassing the instant gratification that short-term habits provide. Fulfillment is achieved through doing what makes you happy, rather than pursuing fame or wealth.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The fear of losing and getting hurt is always present in motorsports, even when driving at 230 miles an hour.
40:16 - 46:31 (06:15)
The fear of losing and getting hurt is always present in motorsports, even when driving at 230 miles an hour. A difference of three hundredths of a second can be the difference between first and second place, leading to self-doubt and the challenge of maintaining presence.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The weight of gear used in high-speed racing can make a huge difference, where even a few grams can impact the overall speed.
46:31 - 51:18 (04:47)
The weight of gear used in high-speed racing can make a huge difference, where even a few grams can impact the overall speed. By optimizing gear weight, racers can potentially gain an advantage.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The importance of perseverance and self-motivation is discussed in this podcast, as Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton explains how it took him six years to win his first race and 11 years to achieve his ultimate goal.
51:18 - 56:00 (04:41)
The importance of perseverance and self-motivation is discussed in this podcast, as Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton explains how it took him six years to win his first race and 11 years to achieve his ultimate goal.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
A Formula One driver shares three lessons that he would like to share with the world, based on his experiences as a teammate battling for wins.
56:00 - 58:19 (02:18)
A Formula One driver shares three lessons that he would like to share with the world, based on his experiences as a teammate battling for wins.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The speaker talks about how he missed out on the experience of giving as a child and hopes that his children will have a different experience.
58:20 - 1:01:37 (03:17)
The speaker talks about how he missed out on the experience of giving as a child and hopes that his children will have a different experience. He believes that a life of doing things for others is a key ingredient to a fulfilling life.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
A former athlete discusses the newfound freedom he has after retiring from sports and how he is using it to make meaningful impacts, including inspiring a listener through his parenting podcast.
1:01:37 - 1:03:55 (02:18)
A former athlete discusses the newfound freedom he has after retiring from sports and how he is using it to make meaningful impacts, including inspiring a listener through his parenting podcast.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Host acknowledges Nico Rosberg's vulnerability in talking about his fears and insecurities as a world champion, and how it can inspire younger people to see that even the successful ones have fears.
1:03:55 - 1:06:35 (02:40)
Host acknowledges Nico Rosberg's vulnerability in talking about his fears and insecurities as a world champion, and how it can inspire younger people to see that even the successful ones have fears.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Join an exclusive community to learn more about Formula One and champion Nico Rosberg through social media and a text messaging service.
1:06:35 - 1:10:23 (03:47)
Join an exclusive community to learn more about Formula One and champion Nico Rosberg through social media and a text messaging service.
Episode889 Nico Rosberg on Becoming a Formula One World Champion
PodcastThe School of Greatness
The host talks about how overcoming fears and self-doubts has helped him become a confident human being.
1:10:23 - 1:12:34 (02:10)
The host talks about how overcoming fears and self-doubts has helped him become a confident human being. He encourages his listeners to take small steps towards tackling their fears to live a better life.