

Hiring Talented People to Build a Successful Marketing Media Team
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25:16 - 32:56 (07:40)

The key to building a successful marketing media team is to hire talented individuals with the right traits and intentions. If you bring in the right people, you don't have to control them.

The founder of a company learned the importance of delegating and hiring the right person when he hired a media director.
25:16 - 26:29 (01:13)
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Business Management

The founder of a company learned the importance of delegating and hiring the right person when he hired a media director. He was able to offload many responsibilities and focus on working on the business, rather than in the business, because of it.

Hiring Talented People to Build a Successful Marketing Media Team
#488 - Nick Bare - Consistently Good Not Occasionally Great
Modern Wisdom
The host recounts how he learned the importance of delegation in building a marketing media team, and the benefits of hiring based on potential over traditional qualifications.
26:29 - 28:07 (01:37)
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The host recounts how he learned the importance of delegation in building a marketing media team, and the benefits of hiring based on potential over traditional qualifications.

Hiring Talented People to Build a Successful Marketing Media Team
#488 - Nick Bare - Consistently Good Not Occasionally Great
Modern Wisdom
The podcast discusses the idea of focusing on a person's attributes rather than just their skills when hiring.
28:07 - 29:54 (01:46)
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Hiring, Attributes, Skills

The podcast discusses the idea of focusing on a person's attributes rather than just their skills when hiring. While skills can be taught, traits are harder to change, and often it is attributes that lead to long-term success in a job.

Hiring Talented People to Build a Successful Marketing Media Team
#488 - Nick Bare - Consistently Good Not Occasionally Great
Modern Wisdom
Netflix famously hires based on talent density, believing that when talented people are brought together, they will create unimaginable systems, infrastructure, and ideas.
29:54 - 31:20 (01:26)
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Building Culture

Netflix famously hires based on talent density, believing that when talented people are brought together, they will create unimaginable systems, infrastructure, and ideas. This approach allows the company to pull back on some controls, like PTO policies and expense reporting, and trust that their talented employees will act responsibly.

Hiring Talented People to Build a Successful Marketing Media Team
#488 - Nick Bare - Consistently Good Not Occasionally Great
Modern Wisdom
A company implements external constraints like operational reports to limit those who do not innately understand the business early on.
31:21 - 32:56 (01:35)
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Business Management

A company implements external constraints like operational reports to limit those who do not innately understand the business early on. This allows young employees the opportunity to become managers through training and experience.

Hiring Talented People to Build a Successful Marketing Media Team
#488 - Nick Bare - Consistently Good Not Occasionally Great
Modern Wisdom