A young boy learns to read under the covers with comic books as an escape from his harsh external world, and rides his bicycle around his neighborhood where the fictional school of the X-Men was based.
38:06 - 40:23 (02:17)
A young boy learns to read under the covers with comic books as an escape from his harsh external world, and rides his bicycle around his neighborhood where the fictional school of the X-Men was based. This childhood in Westchester, NY later led to working with the cast of X-Men.
ChapterLearning to Read with Comics
EpisodeUpgrade Your Brain And Become Limitless EP 1378
PodcastThe School of Greatness
In this podcast episode, Simon Sinek and Susan Kane talk about the concept of introverts and how they differ from extroverts in terms of energy levels.
40:23 - 41:49 (01:26)
In this podcast episode, Simon Sinek and Susan Kane talk about the concept of introverts and how they differ from extroverts in terms of energy levels.