
No Fap and Self-Control
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1:31:14 - 1:40:36 (09:21)

The speaker discusses the benefits of abstaining from pornography, stating that it leads to a sense of control over one's body and improves overall quality of life. He compares the process to that of fasting, where initial resistance gives way to a mode of sustained self-preservation.

The speaker believes that while there are scenarios where no fap or coupled with no porn is worth it, no fap does not necessarily need to be in the same conversation as no porn always, and that there is a lower barrier to entry towards achieving dopamine through pornography.
1:31:14 - 1:35:30 (04:15)
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Pornography Addiction

The speaker believes that while there are scenarios where no fap or coupled with no porn is worth it, no fap does not necessarily need to be in the same conversation as no porn always, and that there is a lower barrier to entry towards achieving dopamine through pornography.

No Fap and Self-Control
#561 - More Plates More Dates - Inside The Liver King's Lie
Modern Wisdom
The podcast discusses a study that suggests that abstaining from sex or masturbation for one week can increase testosterone levels in men, leading to potential benefits such as increased muscle gain and improved mood.
1:35:30 - 1:37:44 (02:13)
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Sexual Abstinence

The podcast discusses a study that suggests that abstaining from sex or masturbation for one week can increase testosterone levels in men, leading to potential benefits such as increased muscle gain and improved mood. However, it's not recommended as a biohack to try without proper consultation.

No Fap and Self-Control
#561 - More Plates More Dates - Inside The Liver King's Lie
Modern Wisdom
Hamza discusses how some guys attach their self-worth to the amount of time they've gone without fapping, and the sense of achievement felt by those who are successful in abstaining.
1:37:44 - 1:39:07 (01:23)
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No Fap

Hamza discusses how some guys attach their self-worth to the amount of time they've gone without fapping, and the sense of achievement felt by those who are successful in abstaining. He also mentions the initial difficulty associated with stopping and how it can become easier over time.

No Fap and Self-Control
#561 - More Plates More Dates - Inside The Liver King's Lie
Modern Wisdom
The speaker expresses his opinion on how giving oneself the reward of control by restraining one's urges and impulses can be satisfying and help build control over oneself.
1:39:07 - 1:40:36 (01:28)
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Control, Impulse, Reward

The speaker expresses his opinion on how giving oneself the reward of control by restraining one's urges and impulses can be satisfying and help build control over oneself.

No Fap and Self-Control
#561 - More Plates More Dates - Inside The Liver King's Lie
Modern Wisdom