
Operational Ability and Marketing Insights
The host praises the guest's exceptional operational ability and marketing insights, to which the guest attributes his success at a young age to being hands-on and not relying on market studies or brand lift studies that work on a larger scale.
The speaker shares their experience of realizing the world of media buying and huge ad agencies and the idea of media budgets.
19:52 - 21:06 (01:14)
The speaker shares their experience of realizing the world of media buying and huge ad agencies and the idea of media budgets.
ChapterOperational Ability and Marketing Insights
EpisodeAustin Rief: Building Morning Brew, The Ultimate Guide to Building Newsletter Businesses, Side Hustle Ideas, & More
PodcastMy First Million
The speaker discusses the importance of operational ability and marketing insights while emphasizing the value of changing people's perception towards a brand at scale.
21:06 - 25:32 (04:25)
The speaker discusses the importance of operational ability and marketing insights while emphasizing the value of changing people's perception towards a brand at scale. He also talks about the inefficiencies of market studies, RFP's and brand lift studies for small companies.