
Predictions for Private Equity Online Fund Returns
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47:16 - 50:57 (03:40)

The returns of private equity online funds are expected to revert to the mean line, resulting in markdowns in portfolios. The vintage from 2015 to 2018 is likely to hit the expected mean return, resulting in less profit for LPs and GPs.

Private equity deals completed between 2015-2018 are likely to be around the mean return, resulting in significant markdowns in portfolios as cash is distributed, despite vintage being successful in distributing investors' cash back; returns need to catch up to the gray line to ensure satisfactory ROI.
47:16 - 50:22 (03:05)
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Private Equity

Private equity deals completed between 2015-2018 are likely to be around the mean return, resulting in significant markdowns in portfolios as cash is distributed, despite vintage being successful in distributing investors' cash back; returns need to catch up to the gray line to ensure satisfactory ROI.

Predictions for Private Equity Online Fund Returns
E101: Ye acquires Parler, Snap drops 30%, macro outlook, VC metrics, valuing stocks & more
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
The speaker talks about his successful angel investments in Uber, Thumbtack, and com which combined had a valuation of $15 million at the time of investment.
50:22 - 50:57 (00:35)
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Angel Investing

The speaker talks about his successful angel investments in Uber, Thumbtack, and com which combined had a valuation of $15 million at the time of investment. He is prompted to write a book on angel investing.

Predictions for Private Equity Online Fund Returns
E101: Ye acquires Parler, Snap drops 30%, macro outlook, VC metrics, valuing stocks & more
All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg