

Pursuing Dreams vs. Achieving Goals
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26:52 - 36:54 (10:02)

Many people have a dream of becoming a rockstar but are not willing to put in the hard work that comes along with it. The difference between having a mere idea of a dream and a goal that you are willing to achieve is key to success.

The difference between having a dream you like the idea of and a goal you are prepared to achieve is that the latter requires you to pay the price and put in the effort necessary for success.
26:52 - 30:14 (03:21)
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The difference between having a dream you like the idea of and a goal you are prepared to achieve is that the latter requires you to pay the price and put in the effort necessary for success. People often underestimate the amount of work needed to achieve their dreams, such as the Beatles spending countless hours playing in small clubs before becoming successful.

Pursuing Dreams vs. Achieving Goals
#389 - Joe Navarro - An FBI Agent's Guide To Body Language
Modern Wisdom
Our feet and other parts of the body can reveal our true thoughts and feelings, as the limbic brain prevents us from hiding harmful emotions or intentions.
30:14 - 32:54 (02:40)
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Body Language

Our feet and other parts of the body can reveal our true thoughts and feelings, as the limbic brain prevents us from hiding harmful emotions or intentions. Eye movements and patterns can also be used to indicate internal struggles.

Pursuing Dreams vs. Achieving Goals
#389 - Joe Navarro - An FBI Agent's Guide To Body Language
Modern Wisdom
The way we position ourselves and behave nonverbally can reveal our thoughts and feelings.
32:54 - 34:06 (01:11)
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Nonverbal Communication

The way we position ourselves and behave nonverbally can reveal our thoughts and feelings. Proxemics and nonverbal cues like facial expression can give clues as to what a person may be thinking or feeling.

Pursuing Dreams vs. Achieving Goals
#389 - Joe Navarro - An FBI Agent's Guide To Body Language
Modern Wisdom
In social or business settings, staying within a comfortable personal space is key for people to feel calm and not be intimidated or uncomfortable.
34:06 - 36:54 (02:47)
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Social Psychology

In social or business settings, staying within a comfortable personal space is key for people to feel calm and not be intimidated or uncomfortable. Furthermore, intense eye contact can create unease and it is important to stay aware of body language signals in interactions.

Pursuing Dreams vs. Achieving Goals
#389 - Joe Navarro - An FBI Agent's Guide To Body Language
Modern Wisdom