

Serving Others and Living Beyond Yourself with Ruben Rojas
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1:03:29 - 1:15:52 (12:23)

Ruben Rojas shares the importance of self-love and serving others, emphasizing that love is an essential service and needs to involve living a life beyond oneself. He believes that greatness comes from giving one's all, irrespective of the outcome, and building self-respect through energy and labor, rather than focusing solely on the result.

The key to filling the gaps in our past is to love and nurture ourselves as our own parents.
1:03:29 - 1:15:52 (12:23)
listen on Spotify

The key to filling the gaps in our past is to love and nurture ourselves as our own parents. A spiritual practice should include living a life beyond ourselves, serving others in any capacity that we can make a priority.

Serving Others and Living Beyond Yourself with Ruben Rojas
Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness