

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
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Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
Description - Order a copy of my new book The Greatness Mindset today!Humble The Poet (Kanwer Singh), is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, best-selling author, What began as reciting spoken word poetry in coffee shops to impress girls evolved into a creative adventure that has spanned the last 10 years.His first two books, UNLEARN & THINGS NOBODY CAN TEACH US have become international bestsellers. Visit him at sure to check out his new book, How To Be Love(d)In this episode you will learn, How to get rid of the outdated programming inside of you.Reasons to question “the spark” you feel with someone in a relationship.Why establishing boundaries can help your love life.And much more!For more, go to Clear On The Habits That’ll Help You Not Waste Another Year Of Your Life: THIS To Destroy Laziness [SOLO]: Lakhiani’s 6 Steps To Manifest The Future You Desire:

The Greatness Mindset is a new book that aims to help readers design the life of their dreams and turn it into reality through powerful stories, science-backed strategies, and step-by-step guidance.
00:00 - 02:02 (02:02)
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The Greatness Mindset is a new book that aims to help readers design the life of their dreams and turn it into reality through powerful stories, science-backed strategies, and step-by-step guidance. It emphasizes the importance of opening oneself up to receive love to live an authentic life that one's future self would be proud of.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
By maintaining a healthy relationship with oneself, keeping self-promises and challenging oneself, the urge to reduce boundaries to be accepted can be overcome, leading to a successful venture.
02:02 - 09:56 (07:53)
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By maintaining a healthy relationship with oneself, keeping self-promises and challenging oneself, the urge to reduce boundaries to be accepted can be overcome, leading to a successful venture.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the difference between true love and facsimiles of love such as attention, affection, and validation.
09:56 - 15:21 (05:25)
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In this podcast, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the difference between true love and facsimiles of love such as attention, affection, and validation. They also discuss the negative impact of social media on our emotional well-being.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speakers discuss how to become more open to receiving and giving love.
15:21 - 21:39 (06:17)
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In this podcast, the speakers discuss how to become more open to receiving and giving love. They suggest the importance of being vulnerable, even though it can be a scary process at times.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses a conversation she had with a friend about making tough decisions and how her upbringing has instilled in her a desire to only buy what she needs.
21:39 - 28:32 (06:53)
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Decision making

The speaker discusses a conversation she had with a friend about making tough decisions and how her upbringing has instilled in her a desire to only buy what she needs.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares her experience of learning to not care about what others think and making choices with a therapist's help, realizing that she was raised to believe she can only live in one place and pay rent in one place.
28:32 - 32:57 (04:24)
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The speaker shares her experience of learning to not care about what others think and making choices with a therapist's help, realizing that she was raised to believe she can only live in one place and pay rent in one place. She also talks about finding a balance and being present in the moment.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
A musician shares the advice he received about not trying to please everyone and being comfortable with not being everyone's cup of tea in the music industry.
32:57 - 36:23 (03:26)
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Music industry

A musician shares the advice he received about not trying to please everyone and being comfortable with not being everyone's cup of tea in the music industry.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
The key to living a happy and fulfilling life is to practice self-love instead of trying to make everyone else happy.
36:23 - 41:12 (04:48)
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The key to living a happy and fulfilling life is to practice self-love instead of trying to make everyone else happy. The more love you give to yourself and others, the more you realize how important it truly is.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
Chase the big love because that's the stuff that's going to keep you going, keep you energized, keep you full of nutrition and life.
41:12 - 47:48 (06:35)
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Chase the big love because that's the stuff that's going to keep you going, keep you energized, keep you full of nutrition and life. The foundation of relationships should be based on big love.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
Some young YouTubers may end up creating a prison for themselves as they grow older, still trying to maintain the persona they created years ago, leading to inauthenticity and a lack of enjoyment.
47:48 - 52:33 (04:45)
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Some young YouTubers may end up creating a prison for themselves as they grow older, still trying to maintain the persona they created years ago, leading to inauthenticity and a lack of enjoyment.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding what love really is, as opposed to what may appear to be love but wastes time and energy.
52:33 - 56:05 (03:32)
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The speaker discusses the importance of understanding what love really is, as opposed to what may appear to be love but wastes time and energy. She emphasizes that true love does not involve keeping score or expecting anything in return.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
The process of integrating learning from unpleasant experiences includes revisiting the situation and feeling the emotions associated with it, repeatedly.
56:05 - 1:03:29 (07:23)
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Personal Growth

The process of integrating learning from unpleasant experiences includes revisiting the situation and feeling the emotions associated with it, repeatedly. Prioritizing progress over perfection and practicing empathy and attunement can help in the process.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness
Ruben Rojas shares the importance of self-love and serving others, emphasizing that love is an essential service and needs to involve living a life beyond oneself.
1:03:29 - 1:15:52 (12:23)
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Self-love, Serving others

Ruben Rojas shares the importance of self-love and serving others, emphasizing that love is an essential service and needs to involve living a life beyond oneself. He believes that greatness comes from giving one's all, irrespective of the outcome, and building self-respect through energy and labor, rather than focusing solely on the result.

Manifest Success With These Daily Affirmations EP 1373
The School of Greatness