Despite social media's ability to showcase moral values, users continue to engage in hypocritical behavior offline, such as condemning animal cruelty while buying ethically questionable products.
49:26 - 51:21 (01:55)
Despite social media's ability to showcase moral values, users continue to engage in hypocritical behavior offline, such as condemning animal cruelty while buying ethically questionable products.
ChapterSobriety Perspectives
Episode#005 - Dominic McGregor - Controlling The World's Social Media, Building a 400 Million Person Network and Overcoming Addiction
PodcastModern Wisdom
Two individuals share their experiences with sobriety - one choosing to do it to see if they could and the other realizing they needed to prioritize it for their success.
51:21 - 54:09 (02:48)
Two individuals share their experiences with sobriety - one choosing to do it to see if they could and the other realizing they needed to prioritize it for their success.