

The Allied Propaganda during World War II
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2:06:45 - 2:12:00 (05:15)

This episode discusses how the Allied propaganda portrayed the Germans and Japanese differently during World War II and how the war was fought in small perimeters in the Pacific due to the jungle canopy and overgrowth.

The Japanese conduct in the Pacific during World War II was fueled in part by their fanaticism and a never-say-die attitude.
2:06:45 - 2:09:47 (03:02)
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World War II

The Japanese conduct in the Pacific during World War II was fueled in part by their fanaticism and a never-say-die attitude. This attitude, combined with anger and a desire for revenge, led to atrocities committed in the heat of the moment during the war.

The Allied Propaganda during World War II
Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Pacific War had a unique style of combat due to the jungle and overgrowth.
2:09:47 - 2:12:00 (02:13)
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Pacific War

The Pacific War had a unique style of combat due to the jungle and overgrowth. One-on-one fights with edged weapons was common in the small perimeter of clearings due to the blockage caused by the surrounding vegetation, making it sound more like movie combat than reality.

The Allied Propaganda during World War II
Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History