

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
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Published: Thu Oct 24 2019

Japan's rising sun goes supernova and engulfs a huge area of Asia and the Pacific. A war without mercy begins to develop infusing the whole conflict with a savage vibe.

This episode discusses the Japanese attacks on the American naval fleet in Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, and how their domination across the Asia Pacific region eventually led to their downfall.
00:00 - 01:14 (01:14)
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This episode discusses the Japanese attacks on the American naval fleet in Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, and how their domination across the Asia Pacific region eventually led to their downfall.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This episode explores the hypothetical scenario of a Japanese victory in World War II, discussing different ways it could have happened and the potential consequences of such an outcome.
01:14 - 08:57 (07:43)
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This episode explores the hypothetical scenario of a Japanese victory in World War II, discussing different ways it could have happened and the potential consequences of such an outcome.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In Japan during World War II, unquestioning loyalty to the state and the emperor led young people to become super patriots, who were willing to do whatever it took for their country.
08:58 - 16:44 (07:46)
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In Japan during World War II, unquestioning loyalty to the state and the emperor led young people to become super patriots, who were willing to do whatever it took for their country. However, this level of nationalism can become destructive and lead to fanaticism, where individuals sacrifice themselves for their government or leader without question.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The racial attitudes towards the Chinese people range from a view of them as primitive people to a notion that they are a subhuman race that is genetically inferior and should be sterilized or wiped out completely, as espoused by some Japanese thinkers.
16:44 - 24:42 (07:57)
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The racial attitudes towards the Chinese people range from a view of them as primitive people to a notion that they are a subhuman race that is genetically inferior and should be sterilized or wiped out completely, as espoused by some Japanese thinkers. It is important to bear in mind that not all people in a country hold the same views as their government or fellow citizens.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Stereotypes before World War II portrayed Japanese as copycats lacking originality in design and innovation.
24:42 - 32:21 (07:39)
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Innovation, Design

Stereotypes before World War II portrayed Japanese as copycats lacking originality in design and innovation. However, the Japanese shocked the Allied powers with their advanced plane designs and caused disruptions with their fighter aircrafts.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Some of the islands in the Pacific theater of World War II where the Japanese created their defense perimeters were much larger and difficult to navigate than the commonly held stereotypical image of small atolls or coral reefs.
32:21 - 39:33 (07:12)
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World War II

Some of the islands in the Pacific theater of World War II where the Japanese created their defense perimeters were much larger and difficult to navigate than the commonly held stereotypical image of small atolls or coral reefs. The Japanese strategy involved building airfields and creating a web of defense.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The podcast talks about the New Guinea tribes used by anthropologists to study human behavior 10,000 years ago, as well as the inertia of military beliefs and the surprise British naval attack after Pearl Harbor.
39:33 - 49:24 (09:51)
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The podcast talks about the New Guinea tribes used by anthropologists to study human behavior 10,000 years ago, as well as the inertia of military beliefs and the surprise British naval attack after Pearl Harbor.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The podcast discussed the limitations of weapon systems particularly in the context of air to naval combat.
49:24 - 56:24 (07:00)
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Weapon Systems

The podcast discussed the limitations of weapon systems particularly in the context of air to naval combat. It highlights how sometimes primitive, seemingly ineffective weapons may still hold a destructive power, with the example of how old biplanes were able to sink Italian battleships.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Battle of Midway involved intense naval conflicts that could lead to losing hundreds of planes, all in the name of taking out one battleship.
56:24 - 1:00:40 (04:16)
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Naval Warfare

The Battle of Midway involved intense naval conflicts that could lead to losing hundreds of planes, all in the name of taking out one battleship.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Losing multiple large ships in naval warfare can have long-lasting effects, as they take years to replace.
1:00:40 - 1:10:58 (10:18)
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Naval Warfare

Losing multiple large ships in naval warfare can have long-lasting effects, as they take years to replace. This was seen in historical events, such as the attack on the HMS Repulse, and during World War II as multiple countries fought on multiple fronts.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Despite suffering a huge loss due to two sunken ships, Winston Churchill had to contend with the decision of whether to go after Germany or to aid America against Japan in World War II; an alternate analysis of whether a change in parentage would have affected future leadership is considered.
1:10:58 - 1:16:04 (05:06)
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Winston Churchill, World War II

Despite suffering a huge loss due to two sunken ships, Winston Churchill had to contend with the decision of whether to go after Germany or to aid America against Japan in World War II; an alternate analysis of whether a change in parentage would have affected future leadership is considered.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese Blitzkrieg during the World War II put a higher price on the lives of allied soldiers, catching them off guard, and underestimating the fighting capabilities of the Japanese.
1:16:04 - 1:26:42 (10:37)
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World War II

The Japanese Blitzkrieg during the World War II put a higher price on the lives of allied soldiers, catching them off guard, and underestimating the fighting capabilities of the Japanese. This period witnessed several attacks and invasions across many allied territories, including the Philippines, Guam, Thailand, and North Borneo.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese's successful amphibious assault on Kota Baru led to a full-scale occupation of Malaya and a challenge towards colonial domination.
1:26:42 - 1:33:42 (07:00)
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Japanese occupation

The Japanese's successful amphibious assault on Kota Baru led to a full-scale occupation of Malaya and a challenge towards colonial domination.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The American forces in the Philippines during World War II were not properly equipped nor trained to resist the Japanese forces, resulting in continuous backtracking for survival and denial of reinforcement.
1:33:42 - 1:43:47 (10:05)
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World War II

The American forces in the Philippines during World War II were not properly equipped nor trained to resist the Japanese forces, resulting in continuous backtracking for survival and denial of reinforcement.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese army was known to be the most enthusiastic in hand-to-hand combat during World War II, especially in their night attacks.
1:43:47 - 1:50:01 (06:14)
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World War II

The Japanese army was known to be the most enthusiastic in hand-to-hand combat during World War II, especially in their night attacks. This unique combination was common especially in the Pacific, which presented challenges for U.S. troops.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The defense of Singapore during WWII was poorly executed, as soldiers were sent to fight immediately on arrival instead of forming reserves.
1:50:01 - 1:55:41 (05:40)
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The defense of Singapore during WWII was poorly executed, as soldiers were sent to fight immediately on arrival instead of forming reserves. The main fighting strength of the army assigned to defend Singapore was quickly depleted, leading to the fall of the city to the Japanese.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The use of propaganda during times of war can serve multiple purposes, including covering rear ends, deflecting blame, inspiring soldiers to fight on, and even convincing people to not buy into alternative forms of oppression.
1:55:41 - 2:06:45 (11:04)
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War Propaganda

The use of propaganda during times of war can serve multiple purposes, including covering rear ends, deflecting blame, inspiring soldiers to fight on, and even convincing people to not buy into alternative forms of oppression. However, the negative effects of propaganda cannot be ignored, as it can create false hope and an inevitable amount of suffering in the face of overwhelming odds.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This episode discusses how the Allied propaganda portrayed the Germans and Japanese differently during World War II and how the war was fought in small perimeters in the Pacific due to the jungle canopy and overgrowth.
2:06:45 - 2:12:00 (05:15)
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World War II

This episode discusses how the Allied propaganda portrayed the Germans and Japanese differently during World War II and how the war was fought in small perimeters in the Pacific due to the jungle canopy and overgrowth.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Takao Ozawa and Steve Smith discuss the atrocities committed during the war in the Pacific and how the Japanese military of the time period was involved.
2:12:00 - 2:22:36 (10:36)
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World War II

Takao Ozawa and Steve Smith discuss the atrocities committed during the war in the Pacific and how the Japanese military of the time period was involved. They also talk about a specific battle in the Malayan campaign where Australian and Indian troops ambushed a Japanese column on a bridge.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This episode discusses the pressure that leaders face when making difficult decisions in times of war, using Churchill's decision-making process during World War II as an example.
2:22:36 - 2:32:25 (09:49)
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This episode discusses the pressure that leaders face when making difficult decisions in times of war, using Churchill's decision-making process during World War II as an example.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Maginot Line in France and Czech defenses are mentioned as having been effective, though not necessarily, but soldiers on the ground were treated as top notch, ready to fight, and as veterans instead of actual people fighting in terrible conditions.
2:32:25 - 2:40:07 (07:42)
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Military Defense

The Maginot Line in France and Czech defenses are mentioned as having been effective, though not necessarily, but soldiers on the ground were treated as top notch, ready to fight, and as veterans instead of actual people fighting in terrible conditions.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese military had a willingness to expend human lives which gave them an edge in tactical decision-making.
2:40:07 - 2:45:19 (05:12)
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Japanese Military

The Japanese military had a willingness to expend human lives which gave them an edge in tactical decision-making. Despite being known for their tactics, fingers are pointed at the Australian troops despite them being some of the best troops in the war.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In this episode, Dan Carlin talks about the Battle of the Tenaru, where commanders in Singapore were too far away to know what the troops on the ground were actually facing.
2:45:20 - 2:49:51 (04:31)
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Military History

In this episode, Dan Carlin talks about the Battle of the Tenaru, where commanders in Singapore were too far away to know what the troops on the ground were actually facing. He also defends the sacrifices made by the soldiers in the battle.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The idea that history is shaped by individual "great men" is a myth, as the forces and trends of a society also play a significant role in shaping events.
2:49:51 - 2:59:50 (09:59)
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The idea that history is shaped by individual "great men" is a myth, as the forces and trends of a society also play a significant role in shaping events. While figures like Eisenhower were effective mediators that helped coordinate diverse groups in times of war, the idea that individuals like MacArthur are produced solely by the historical context is flawed.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The transcript discusses a long term protest by veterans during the Depression, a personal psychological dividing line regarding people who refer to themselves in the third person, and military honors received by a brigadier general returning from World War I.
2:59:50 - 3:04:40 (04:50)
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The transcript discusses a long term protest by veterans during the Depression, a personal psychological dividing line regarding people who refer to themselves in the third person, and military honors received by a brigadier general returning from World War I.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The podcast discusses how MacArthur's language, behavior, and image played a role in shaping public opinion about him during WWII, from his use of archaic language to his love for theatricality.
3:04:40 - 3:10:38 (05:58)
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The podcast discusses how MacArthur's language, behavior, and image played a role in shaping public opinion about him during WWII, from his use of archaic language to his love for theatricality. Various quotes from his contemporaries are included as well.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This episode explores the complex personality and legacy of General Douglas MacArthur, including his relationship with President Truman and his controversial decision-making during the Korean War.
3:10:38 - 3:13:34 (02:56)
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General Douglas MacArthur

This episode explores the complex personality and legacy of General Douglas MacArthur, including his relationship with President Truman and his controversial decision-making during the Korean War.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
A discussion on the possible code name for Douglas MacArthur and his desire to be on the minds of those in power, while also comparing him to famous performers like Frank Sinatra and Michael Jackson.
3:13:34 - 3:19:16 (05:42)
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Douglas MacArthur

A discussion on the possible code name for Douglas MacArthur and his desire to be on the minds of those in power, while also comparing him to famous performers like Frank Sinatra and Michael Jackson.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The United States needs a war plan for the Philippines, its military assets and bases which will consider defense strategies for an indefensible place in case of uncontested control of air and sea by the opponent.
3:19:16 - 3:27:07 (07:51)
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War Strategy

The United States needs a war plan for the Philippines, its military assets and bases which will consider defense strategies for an indefensible place in case of uncontested control of air and sea by the opponent.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
A discussion on military strategy and planning in times of war, highlighting the importance of foresight and preparedness, as well as the cost of underestimating one's enemies.
3:27:07 - 3:31:03 (03:56)
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Military Strategy

A discussion on military strategy and planning in times of war, highlighting the importance of foresight and preparedness, as well as the cost of underestimating one's enemies.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
General Wainwright and his troops fight to keep the doors to Bataan open for as long as possible, while learning to fake out the Japanese with set piece battles that take hours to set up but are quickly abandoned.
3:31:03 - 3:39:50 (08:47)
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General Wainwright and his troops fight to keep the doors to Bataan open for as long as possible, while learning to fake out the Japanese with set piece battles that take hours to set up but are quickly abandoned.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
After suffering a defeat, General Wainwright reorganizes his troops into two groups on each side of a mountain, believing the terrain to be impassable and thus, rendering it unnecessary to worry about troops moving through it.
3:39:50 - 3:48:29 (08:39)
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Battle of the Philippines

After suffering a defeat, General Wainwright reorganizes his troops into two groups on each side of a mountain, believing the terrain to be impassable and thus, rendering it unnecessary to worry about troops moving through it. However, this fatal mistake does not stop the heavy fighting that is to ensue.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This podcast discusses the strangeness of bonsai charges in Japanese military tactics during WWII and the mixture of ancient Japanese traditions with modern 20th-century regimes.
3:48:29 - 3:53:39 (05:10)
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Japanese Military Tactics

This podcast discusses the strangeness of bonsai charges in Japanese military tactics during WWII and the mixture of ancient Japanese traditions with modern 20th-century regimes. It was observed that the psych-out factor must have given the Japanese officers an edge.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The speaker expresses how some war stories narrate disturbing events where young soldiers are killed and even mutilated by their enemies in the middle of the night.
3:53:39 - 4:00:11 (06:32)
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The speaker expresses how some war stories narrate disturbing events where young soldiers are killed and even mutilated by their enemies in the middle of the night.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
American troops begin to mock General McArthur for his less difficult living situation compared to the troops in the foxholes.
4:00:11 - 4:07:49 (07:38)
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American troops, McArthur, Roosevelt, Corregidor, Japanese

American troops begin to mock General McArthur for his less difficult living situation compared to the troops in the foxholes. McArthur's statement about ample supplies leads to a debate between him and Roosevelt regarding assistance.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Allied forces in Bhutan are struggling against infiltrators and General Wainwright's strategy has backfired, allowing Japanese forces to surround them.
4:07:50 - 4:15:00 (07:10)
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The Allied forces in Bhutan are struggling against infiltrators and General Wainwright's strategy has backfired, allowing Japanese forces to surround them. Despite the need for refitting and resupplying, the Allied forces are at risk of being overrun and stripped of resources by the Japanese army.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
As General Hamas prepares for what he figures will be the final push, the U.S government realizes that they're going to lose this situation relatively soon and that careful attention needs to be paid to the way he works.
4:15:00 - 4:21:19 (06:19)
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As General Hamas prepares for what he figures will be the final push, the U.S government realizes that they're going to lose this situation relatively soon and that careful attention needs to be paid to the way he works.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Despite criticism for attempting to make a grander story for himself, General Douglas MacArthur assumed control of the military situation in Bataan, Philippines, leading to the surrender of American soldiers to Japanese troops.
4:21:19 - 4:32:51 (11:32)
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World War II

Despite criticism for attempting to make a grander story for himself, General Douglas MacArthur assumed control of the military situation in Bataan, Philippines, leading to the surrender of American soldiers to Japanese troops. His actions prompted disapproval from fellow American military personnel.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese bombed the island of Corregidor for about 27-28 consecutive days, leaving the US marines no option but to surrender.
4:32:51 - 4:40:16 (07:25)
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World War II

The Japanese bombed the island of Corregidor for about 27-28 consecutive days, leaving the US marines no option but to surrender. This surrender resulted in a huge number of casualties due to the mistreatment of the captives by the Japanese.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The death marches in 1941 and 1942 helped harden the hearts of allied populations during World War II, leading to the infamous incident of a soldier striking a Japanese general who had looted his Notre Dame class ring, years later in a prisoner of war camp.
4:40:16 - 4:46:24 (06:08)
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World War II

The death marches in 1941 and 1942 helped harden the hearts of allied populations during World War II, leading to the infamous incident of a soldier striking a Japanese general who had looted his Notre Dame class ring, years later in a prisoner of war camp.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The book focuses on questions that have been examined for centuries, following an argument that is laid out like a hypothesis and then argued.
4:46:24 - 4:51:11 (04:47)
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The book focuses on questions that have been examined for centuries, following an argument that is laid out like a hypothesis and then argued. According to the author, any text form or translation into a foreign language must be done in book form.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Hardcore History Addendum show, titled "15 Minutes in Hell," will soon be released and will discuss Old Evil returning and the payback issued by the good guy.
4:51:11 - 4:53:35 (02:24)
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The Hardcore History Addendum show, titled "15 Minutes in Hell," will soon be released and will discuss Old Evil returning and the payback issued by the good guy.

Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History