
The Annoying Advice and Experiences of Pregnant Women and New Moms
The speaker shares her frustration with how pregnant women and new moms sometimes act like they're the only ones who have had children and give unsolicited advice. They also tend to share their labor and delivery stories in excruciating detail, which is frustrating for those who don't want to hear it.
The speaker expresses her frustration with pregnant women who act as if having a child is the most unique and important thing in the world and with those who share their labor and delivery stories in great detail, making her dislike for pregnancy grow with each passing day.
13:47 - 17:21 (03:33)
The speaker expresses her frustration with pregnant women who act as if having a child is the most unique and important thing in the world and with those who share their labor and delivery stories in great detail, making her dislike for pregnancy grow with each passing day.
ChapterThe Annoying Advice and Experiences of Pregnant Women and New Moms
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The hosts discuss their experience with crying during pregnancy, admitting to crying more frequently and at unusual triggers.
17:21 - 18:28 (01:06)
The hosts discuss their experience with crying during pregnancy, admitting to crying more frequently and at unusual triggers.