
Dark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
Jennifer and Pumps are joined by self-proclaimed professional asshole and host of The Bitch Bible, Jackie Schimmel. The girls swap pregnancy horror stories and DIY self-grooming mishaps. Schimmel gets the inside *scoop* on how to handle a very *shitty* post-pregnancy problem and Jennifer gets called out for her accessory of choice - the Apple Watch. Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Jackie Schimmel: @jackieschimmel Check Out: The Bitch Bible
Get informed with all the news for the day in the time it takes to make breakfast.
00:00 - 01:28 (01:28)
Get informed with all the news for the day in the time it takes to make breakfast.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
A mother shares her experience of parents supporting their high school basketball team's journey to the state tournament by volunteering for snacks, decorating the locker room, and making posters.
01:29 - 04:25 (02:56)
A mother shares her experience of parents supporting their high school basketball team's journey to the state tournament by volunteering for snacks, decorating the locker room, and making posters.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
TikTok users are obsessing over the Moon Phases and Soulmates trend where people use their birth dates to determine their potential soulmate based on the compatibility of their corresponding moon phase.
04:25 - 08:24 (03:58)
TikTok users are obsessing over the Moon Phases and Soulmates trend where people use their birth dates to determine their potential soulmate based on the compatibility of their corresponding moon phase.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
A driver talks about the benefits of driving with Uber, including access to 24/7 live support, and shares a humorous story about a gas station encounter.
08:24 - 13:47 (05:23)
A driver talks about the benefits of driving with Uber, including access to 24/7 live support, and shares a humorous story about a gas station encounter.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The speaker shares her frustration with how pregnant women and new moms sometimes act like they're the only ones who have had children and give unsolicited advice.
13:47 - 18:28 (04:40)
The speaker shares her frustration with how pregnant women and new moms sometimes act like they're the only ones who have had children and give unsolicited advice. They also tend to share their labor and delivery stories in excruciating detail, which is frustrating for those who don't want to hear it.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
A woman shares her experience of being criticized for her fashion choices during pregnancy and her husband's love for beauty products.
18:28 - 22:47 (04:19)
A woman shares her experience of being criticized for her fashion choices during pregnancy and her husband's love for beauty products.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
Prescription painkillers are a widely ignored problem that can have dangerous consequences, especially after giving birth.
22:47 - 25:43 (02:55)
Prescription painkillers are a widely ignored problem that can have dangerous consequences, especially after giving birth. Patients may take these painkillers incorrectly, and medical professionals should work to educate their patients on the risks of these medications.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
A woman shares her struggles with personal grooming during pregnancy, including trimming and hair removal.
25:43 - 31:06 (05:23)
A woman shares her struggles with personal grooming during pregnancy, including trimming and hair removal.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The speaker discusses their attempts at a DIY beauty routine and how they have learned about various health-related topics through the internet and social media platforms.
31:06 - 37:50 (06:44)
The speaker discusses their attempts at a DIY beauty routine and how they have learned about various health-related topics through the internet and social media platforms.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The speaker emphasizes the beauty of passionate online writing and how it forms a connection between people that cannot be replicated by any other means.
37:50 - 40:50 (03:00)
The speaker emphasizes the beauty of passionate online writing and how it forms a connection between people that cannot be replicated by any other means.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The podcast hosts talk about the struggles that women face with postpartum bowel movements and how it is a hugely underreported problem.
40:51 - 43:34 (02:43)
The podcast hosts talk about the struggles that women face with postpartum bowel movements and how it is a hugely underreported problem. Despite medical advancements, there is still a lack of information on how to make the process easier.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The speaker discusses a topic related to women's experiences post-childbirth and poses a question regarding a specific experience.
43:34 - 45:07 (01:32)
The speaker discusses a topic related to women's experiences post-childbirth and poses a question regarding a specific experience.
EpisodeDark Side of the Spoon with Jackie Schimmel
PodcastI've Had It
The podcast outro features an ad for IKEA and McDonald's app.