

The Art of DTR: Defining the Relationship with Demi Burnett
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00:00 - 04:16 (04:16)

Demi Burnett talks about her experience with a guy she was dating and how she knew it wasn't working out. They were hanging out all the time, but he was talking to other girls and there were too many red flags that made her uncomfortable.

The speaker shares a personal story about how the law of attraction has played a significant role in their life, and encourages skeptics to listen to the "wild" experience.
00:00 - 01:26 (01:26)
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Law of Attraction

The speaker shares a personal story about how the law of attraction has played a significant role in their life, and encourages skeptics to listen to the "wild" experience. Additionally, they mention struggling to record episodes due to exhaustion.

The Art of DTR: Defining the Relationship with Demi Burnett
How I Attracted My Ex Back with The Law of Attraction
Date Yourself Instead
The speaker describes a failed relationship that wasn't officially declared but had all the characteristics of one including hanging out all the time and practicing yoga together.
01:26 - 04:16 (02:50)
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The speaker describes a failed relationship that wasn't officially declared but had all the characteristics of one including hanging out all the time and practicing yoga together.

The Art of DTR: Defining the Relationship with Demi Burnett
How I Attracted My Ex Back with The Law of Attraction
Date Yourself Instead