
Date Yourself Instead
You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
What happens when you're the problem? Forgiving yourself when you've made a mistake can be challenging. We all go through periods of time in our live where we're bound to make mistakes, but those mistakes can turn into valuable learning lessons. In this episode, I give various examples of how we can f*ck up and how it can be helpful to just own up to those mistakes and be honest with who you are. Don't beat yourself up too much, you're still human. PS - if you enjoyed this episode, always feel free to send me a DM on instagram @lyss and @dateyourselfinstead.
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
Not everyone is going to like you or accept you - that's just how life is. The most important thing is that YOU like you. In this episode, I talk about my personal experiences with how people treated me poorly for no apparent reason at all - and what those experiences taught me. If you enjoyed this episode, always feel free to DM me on instagram @lyss and @dateyourselfinstead.
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
Being with the wrong person can feel heavy on your heart and on your mind. It could feel like you're constantly trying to change for someone else or try to compromise your needs for someone else. In this episode, I dive into what it feels like to be in the wrong relationship, or in a relationship that needs some work. I also dive into what it feels like to be in a good and healthy relationship with a partner. I hope it can help guide you and make you feel less alone if you're currently in this type of situation. Always feel free to DM me as well on instagram @dateyourselfinstead or @lyss if you enjoyed this episode. Sign up for the exclusive hoodie waitlist HERE: https://www.dateyourselfinstead.co Shop the Peter Thomas Roth moisturizer HERE: Potent-C Brightening Vitamin C Moisturizer
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
Sign up HERE for my limited edition, exclusive hoodies: http://www.dateyourselfinstead.co They are dropping SO soon and there are only 100 hoodies available, so sign up for the waitlist to snag one before they sell out. Going through a breakup? Today I'm talking to you as your best friend. You deserve the world. You deserve to be happy. Remember that you have the power to create the life you want, and that you deserve to be surrounded by people who appreciate and value you. Let's chat! DM and follow me on instagram @dateyourselfinstead if you enjoyed this episode. Tiktok: @dateyourselfinstead
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
Twin flames - are they a good or bad thing? In this episode, I dive into my personal twin flame experience and the valuable lessons I learned from dating mine. I reflect on how my twin flame taught me a lot about myself, and helped me grow & mature as a person. As always, if you enjoyed this episode, feel free to rate the podcast on Spotify, and send me a message on instagram @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead.
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
This is the ultimate breakup guide and podcast for anyone trying to move on and let go, because you deserve better. You deserve someone who will commit to you and give you the world. Why are you settling? In this episode, I discuss my perspective on this topic and dive into my own emotions as well. Remember, you can always message me on instagram @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead if you enjoyed this episode.
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
Why are we so afraid to walk away from a toxic relationship? Sometimes we're afraid to leave relationships for a variety of reasons, including: Fear of being alone Fear of the unknown Fear of change Children and family obligations And so much more. In this episode, I talk about the power of walking away from a relationship that isn't serving you, and some useful tips to navigate a breakup. As always, you can DM me on instagram @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead if you enjoyed this episode! Subscribe to my new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCCyfFUtRJ5-RS0M3d99TQQ
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
Surprise!!! I decided to release this one early because, well...I love you all dearly. Manifest your soulmate literally instantly, this works every time ;) This video is about how I manifested 3 different people into my life using a letter. It's simple, effective, and can bring magic and miracles into your life really quickly. Let's connect on my socials! If you decide to try this, let me know. Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lyss Tiktok: http://www.tiktok.com/@lyss Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eOWc023M5M
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
This episode is all about self-respect, taking a stand for what you believe in, and valuing who you truly are. Self-respect means honoring yourself over anyone else, and ignoring what other people are saying about you. For most of my life, I've been bullied for my image and my looks, and as I've gotten older, I've realized that the only way to honor who I am is to block out the noise and focus on self-love. I also go into detail about my own personal stories with my self-confidence, and how I've struggled with being assertive in the past. Remember if you enjoyed this episode, feel free to dm me @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead on instagram. Connect with the Date Yourself Instead Movement: Website | Instagram Connect with Lyss: TikTok | Instagram | YouTube
PodcastDate Yourself Instead
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
The phrase "right person, wrong time” is an expression that describes a situation where two people are deeply in love but are unable to be together due to circumstances beyond their control. So, is this concept real? In today's episode, I dive into why I think the right person, wrong time is not necessarily true. I also dive into different examples and stories that prove that true love will always find its way back if it's really meant to be. Remember, if you loved this episode, be sure to share it on instagram and send me a dm @lyss or @dateyourselfinstead. Connect with the Date Yourself Instead Movement: Website | Instagram Connect with Lyss: TikTok | Instagram | YouTube