

The Importance of Heroes and Rulers in Human Evolution
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47:13 - 55:36 (08:23)

The speaker discusses the significance of identifying heroes and rulers in human history, as it provides a sense of direction for our evolution. He suggests that perhaps our current lack of heroes only represents a temporary lull in a broader evolutionary cycle.

Editing is crucial when it comes to writing, and it's important to know what to cut in order to make your piece better.
47:13 - 49:27 (02:14)
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Editing is crucial when it comes to writing, and it's important to know what to cut in order to make your piece better. An editor can help you identify the key points to keep and the excess words to remove.

The Importance of Heroes and Rulers in Human Evolution
#183: Cal Fussman: The Master Storyteller Returns
The Tim Ferriss Show
The host and guest discuss the human need for heroes and how we are hardwired to search for rulers and heroes.
49:27 - 50:30 (01:03)
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Human Evolution

The host and guest discuss the human need for heroes and how we are hardwired to search for rulers and heroes. They also touch on the importance of signposts in the human evolution.

The Importance of Heroes and Rulers in Human Evolution
#183: Cal Fussman: The Master Storyteller Returns
The Tim Ferriss Show
In this podcast episode, the speaker reminisces about a photograph of himself and Ali capturing a unique experience, as reported by Bob Lipsight in Time magazine.
50:30 - 54:12 (03:42)
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Muhammad Ali

In this podcast episode, the speaker reminisces about a photograph of himself and Ali capturing a unique experience, as reported by Bob Lipsight in Time magazine.

The Importance of Heroes and Rulers in Human Evolution
#183: Cal Fussman: The Master Storyteller Returns
The Tim Ferriss Show
The speaker reflects on his unexpected friendship with someone he considered to be a hero from afar, and how it has gone beyond that to a deep sense of connection and kindness.
54:12 - 55:36 (01:24)
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The speaker reflects on his unexpected friendship with someone he considered to be a hero from afar, and how it has gone beyond that to a deep sense of connection and kindness. They even wrote a book together and the hero inscribed it with the words "my friend, my writer, my hero" to the speaker.

The Importance of Heroes and Rulers in Human Evolution
#183: Cal Fussman: The Master Storyteller Returns
The Tim Ferriss Show