
The Influence of Money in Politics
The contribution of large amounts of cash to political campaigns creates a sense of obligation in the candidate towards the donors, regardless of whether the exchange is explicit or not, leading to a corrupt relationship between politicians and wealthy backers. The massive spending in political campaigns often determines the victor regardless of the competence of the candidate for the position.
The amassing of friends and political connections through dark money contributions plays a significant role in the success of political campaigns, despite the large amount of funds raised.
28:46 - 30:23 (01:36)
The amassing of friends and political connections through dark money contributions plays a significant role in the success of political campaigns, despite the large amount of funds raised.
ChapterThe Influence of Money in Politics
EpisodeSelects: How Dark Money Works
PodcastStuff You Should Know
Even with separate PACs, super PACs, and 501 C4s, candidates become indebted to the same mega-donors who contribute time and time again for their campaign success.
30:23 - 33:09 (02:46)
Even with separate PACs, super PACs, and 501 C4s, candidates become indebted to the same mega-donors who contribute time and time again for their campaign success.