

Selects: How Dark Money Works
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Published: Sat Nov 19 2022

Since the Supreme Court ruled in 2010 in the Citizens United case that political contributions are speech and should be protected, the floodgates of anonymous political contributions have opened. But does absolute funding corrupt absolutely? Find out in this classic episode.See for privacy information.

In this podcast, the concept of "dark money" and how it works is explained using examples of political campaigns that have received such funding.
00:00 - 02:28 (02:28)
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Dark Money

In this podcast, the concept of "dark money" and how it works is explained using examples of political campaigns that have received such funding.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The Weekend Passes attack ad aired during the 1988 election between George H. W. Bush and Michael Dukakis and is credited with turning the tide against Dukakis' campaign.
02:28 - 05:29 (03:01)
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Election 1988

The Weekend Passes attack ad aired during the 1988 election between George H. W. Bush and Michael Dukakis and is credited with turning the tide against Dukakis' campaign.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
Almost 60% of the $1 billion spent in federal elections by super PACs since 2010 came from just 195 people and their spouses, highlighting the disproportionate influence of money in politics and the unfair advantage it confers on wealthy donors.
05:29 - 11:56 (06:26)
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Money in Politics

Almost 60% of the $1 billion spent in federal elections by super PACs since 2010 came from just 195 people and their spouses, highlighting the disproportionate influence of money in politics and the unfair advantage it confers on wealthy donors.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
This podcast discusses the origin and purpose of 501(c)(4) organizations, which are nonprofits that are tax-exempt and allowed to engage in political activities as long as they spend at least 51% of their funds on social welfare.
11:56 - 14:39 (02:43)
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This podcast discusses the origin and purpose of 501(c)(4) organizations, which are nonprofits that are tax-exempt and allowed to engage in political activities as long as they spend at least 51% of their funds on social welfare.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The Citizen United ruling considered political contribution as political speech.
14:39 - 23:09 (08:29)
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The Citizen United ruling considered political contribution as political speech. While Citizens United did not finance it, they ran ads before the election for a video on demand movie, which was essentially an attack ad on the opponent. Transparency through public demand for corporations to reveal their political donations was proposed as a remedy.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The Annenberg Public Policy Center found that nine out of 10 ads funded by dark money during the 2012 campaign cycle were negative, and both parties are not equally at fault for using it.
23:09 - 28:46 (05:37)
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Dark Money

The Annenberg Public Policy Center found that nine out of 10 ads funded by dark money during the 2012 campaign cycle were negative, and both parties are not equally at fault for using it. Dark money is a problem because it often goes towards campaign ads, such as television ads, which have significant influence.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The contribution of large amounts of cash to political campaigns creates a sense of obligation in the candidate towards the donors, regardless of whether the exchange is explicit or not, leading to a corrupt relationship between politicians and wealthy backers.
28:46 - 33:09 (04:22)
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The contribution of large amounts of cash to political campaigns creates a sense of obligation in the candidate towards the donors, regardless of whether the exchange is explicit or not, leading to a corrupt relationship between politicians and wealthy backers. The massive spending in political campaigns often determines the victor regardless of the competence of the candidate for the position.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The guest speaker discusses how money influences politics and how those who can purchase political campaigns have access and influence over those in power.
33:09 - 40:34 (07:25)
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Money in Politics

The guest speaker discusses how money influences politics and how those who can purchase political campaigns have access and influence over those in power. The hosts also discuss the tech-savvy characteristics of one of the guests and the privilege that comes with wealth.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
Learn how Congress members sneak in riders into bills and how it affects political campaign spending disclosure rules.
40:34 - 44:41 (04:07)
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Learn how Congress members sneak in riders into bills and how it affects political campaign spending disclosure rules.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of anonymous political donations, leading to unlimited money to political 501 C4s, which do not need to disclose their donors' identities.
44:41 - 48:14 (03:33)
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Anonymous Political Donations

In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of anonymous political donations, leading to unlimited money to political 501 C4s, which do not need to disclose their donors' identities. This has caused difficulty in tracking who is funding certain political efforts, such as climate change denial.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The podcast discusses how big corporations use resources towards lobbying for regulations against their competitors rather than investing in their own corporation, and how this affects social awareness groups and campaign contributions.
48:14 - 51:30 (03:15)
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Rent Seeking

The podcast discusses how big corporations use resources towards lobbying for regulations against their competitors rather than investing in their own corporation, and how this affects social awareness groups and campaign contributions.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
The transition to renewable energy is essential, but it is necessary to address the job losses that the fossil fuel industry will face.
51:30 - 55:02 (03:32)
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Renewable Energy

The transition to renewable energy is essential, but it is necessary to address the job losses that the fossil fuel industry will face. The market alone cannot provide the solution, and there needs to be a concerted effort to retrain and create new job opportunities for those who will be affected.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know
This is an ad promoting the City of the Rails podcast, which explores stories from railroad workers and travelers.
55:02 - 57:20 (02:17)
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This is an ad promoting the City of the Rails podcast, which explores stories from railroad workers and travelers.

Selects: How Dark Money Works
Stuff You Should Know