
The Myth of the Black Shuck
The Black Shuck, a large black hound, is seen as both a guardian spirit and an omen of misfortune in different parts of England, changing slightly with each story. It has been reported as being as large as a horse, with one flaming eye or accompanied by large huntsmen riding black horses and goats.
From their origins in 10,000 BCE to modern-day sightings of supernatural Black Shuck, this podcast explores the fascinating history and mythology of domesticated dogs.
01:51 - 04:45 (02:54)
From their origins in 10,000 BCE to modern-day sightings of supernatural Black Shuck, this podcast explores the fascinating history and mythology of domesticated dogs.
ChapterThe Myth of the Black Shuck
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
The Black Shuck is a shape-shifting beast that takes on various forms including a large dog or a headless man on fire.
04:45 - 07:06 (02:20)
The Black Shuck is a shape-shifting beast that takes on various forms including a large dog or a headless man on fire. Its sightings are considered ominous and can be a sign of death.
ChapterThe Myth of the Black Shuck
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
The Black Shuck is a spirit that varies in its depiction across different locations, with some folklores portraying it as a helpful guardian while others associate it with misfortune.
07:06 - 09:35 (02:28)
The Black Shuck is a spirit that varies in its depiction across different locations, with some folklores portraying it as a helpful guardian while others associate it with misfortune. Accounts of its appearance and behavior are diverse, making the creature a subject of fascination worldwide.