
132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
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In the last episode of 2022, the Lights Out Podcast dives into the world of cryptozoology and explores the history of the Black Shuck, which is a demonic dog that terrorizes the English countryside to this day.
00:00 - 01:50 (01:50)
In the last episode of 2022, the Lights Out Podcast dives into the world of cryptozoology and explores the history of the Black Shuck, which is a demonic dog that terrorizes the English countryside to this day. The episode also contains a thank-you message to the listeners for making 2022 a big year for the show.
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
The Black Shuck, a large black hound, is seen as both a guardian spirit and an omen of misfortune in different parts of England, changing slightly with each story.
01:51 - 09:35 (07:43)
The Black Shuck, a large black hound, is seen as both a guardian spirit and an omen of misfortune in different parts of England, changing slightly with each story. It has been reported as being as large as a horse, with one flaming eye or accompanied by large huntsmen riding black horses and goats.
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
The story of a beast attacking a man in prayer is contrasted with the convenience of using stamps.com for shipping needs.
09:35 - 15:22 (05:47)
The story of a beast attacking a man in prayer is contrasted with the convenience of using stamps.com for shipping needs.
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
The Black Shuck is a supernatural creature, a giant dog with flaming eyes that is usually seen around places of executions in England.
15:22 - 27:21 (11:59)
The Black Shuck is a supernatural creature, a giant dog with flaming eyes that is usually seen around places of executions in England. His first sighting dates back to 1596 in Newgate Prison, but even with attempts to lay his soul to rest, he can still be seen and heard howling in the night.
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
A man tries to avoid a black dog he encounters in different alleys, but it keeps reappearing before him.
27:22 - 35:02 (07:40)
A man tries to avoid a black dog he encounters in different alleys, but it keeps reappearing before him. Even when he returns home, the dog continues to wait for him, and even takes an interest in a young girl.
Episode132: Demonic Hound That Haunts The English Countryside: Legend Of The Black Shuck
PodcastLights Out
The Black Shuck, described as a demonic dog with red eyes, has been part of the English folklore for centuries.
35:02 - 39:07 (04:04)
The Black Shuck, described as a demonic dog with red eyes, has been part of the English folklore for centuries. The story has been kept alive over time, and many believe it might have some level of truth.