The Relationship between Vegetable Consumption and Mental Health
Studies have shown that there is a linear relationship between the consumption of vegetables and mood, as well as depression and anxiety. The Bright Line Eating approach, which eliminates sugar and emphasizes vegetable intake, enhances mood.
Eating no vegetables is terrible for depression and anxiety, and for your mood.
1:23:31 - 1:26:52 (03:20)
Eating no vegetables is terrible for depression and anxiety, and for your mood. On the other hand, consuming vegetables has a linear relationship with mood and the presence or absence of depression and anxiety.
ChapterThe Relationship between Vegetable Consumption and Mental Health
EpisodeThe Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
PodcastThe School of Greatness
Many people have some degree of addiction to ultra processed foods, which is becoming an issue for health in society.
1:26:52 - 1:29:19 (02:26)
Many people have some degree of addiction to ultra processed foods, which is becoming an issue for health in society. Research shows that two-thirds of kids' and adolescents' calories come from ultra processed foods.