
The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
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Published: Wed Sep 07 2022

Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. is an expert in the psychology of eating. She is President of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss and the founder of the worldwide Bright Line Eating movement. Her first two books, including “Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin, and Free,” became New York Times bestsellers. Her work weaves the neuroscience of food addiction with powerful insights from Positive Psychology, IFS, and 12-Step Recovery to outline a roadmap for achieving true integrity and self-authorship around food. In this episode you will learn:Why you should be preplanning your food. How cheat meals can negatively affect your brain.That freedom from food addiction is possible.The importance of self control.For more, go to lewishowes.com/1316Kyle Gillett on Optimizing Your Hormone Health: https://link.chtbl.com/1315-podThe Key Signs Your Not Healthy & How to Fix It with Casey Means: https://link.chtbl.com/1252-podDr. Joe Dispenza on Healing the Body and Transforming the Mind: https://link.chtbl.com/826-pod

The addictive nature of food is driven by its effects on our brains, with sugar being the most commonly addictive substance.
00:00 - 05:37 (05:37)
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Food Addiction

The addictive nature of food is driven by its effects on our brains, with sugar being the most commonly addictive substance. People vary in their susceptibility to different types of addiction.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares his experience being around people dealing with addiction and detoxing from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.
05:37 - 10:02 (04:25)
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The speaker shares his experience being around people dealing with addiction and detoxing from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
A former call girl and drug addict, who once had to fight for her life, shares her story of survival and perseverance in finding her way back to her dreams of pursuing education and becoming a Ph.D. holder from Harvard University.
10:02 - 14:30 (04:27)
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A former call girl and drug addict, who once had to fight for her life, shares her story of survival and perseverance in finding her way back to her dreams of pursuing education and becoming a Ph.D. holder from Harvard University.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The speaker reflects on their experience of addiction recovery and how the process of giving up smoking felt like a continuous battle, even after overcoming substance abuse.
14:30 - 19:25 (04:55)
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The speaker reflects on their experience of addiction recovery and how the process of giving up smoking felt like a continuous battle, even after overcoming substance abuse.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The speaker talks about the challenges of overcoming sugar addiction, how it is difficult to avoid sugar when it is added to most foods, and how society needs to change its attitude towards sugar in order to help people overcome addiction.
19:25 - 22:30 (03:05)
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Sugar addiction

The speaker talks about the challenges of overcoming sugar addiction, how it is difficult to avoid sugar when it is added to most foods, and how society needs to change its attitude towards sugar in order to help people overcome addiction.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The brain is wired to make us crave the food it thinks we need, making it hard to stick to diets and grooming negative self-images.
22:30 - 28:45 (06:14)
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The brain is wired to make us crave the food it thinks we need, making it hard to stick to diets and grooming negative self-images. However, the key to losing weight and loving ourselves is to change our mental constructs and understand the science behind our struggles with food.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
This episode discusses the effects of addiction on the brain's dopamine receptors and insulin sensitivity, and how excessive stimulation can lead to downregulation of receptors and insulin insensitivity.
28:45 - 34:25 (05:40)
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This episode discusses the effects of addiction on the brain's dopamine receptors and insulin sensitivity, and how excessive stimulation can lead to downregulation of receptors and insulin insensitivity.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
Refined carbs like flour, rice, and potatoes are extracted from the inner essence of the plant and purified down into a powder making it more addictive and harder to quit than whole foods.
34:25 - 40:14 (05:49)
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Refined carbs like flour, rice, and potatoes are extracted from the inner essence of the plant and purified down into a powder making it more addictive and harder to quit than whole foods. The addicted brain is hypersensitive to cues that predict a reward causing problems when trying to quit.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
This podcast explains how the blood sugar cycle works in our bodies, and how it leads to cravings and a cycle of overeating.
40:14 - 43:20 (03:05)
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This podcast explains how the blood sugar cycle works in our bodies, and how it leads to cravings and a cycle of overeating.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The founder of Bright Line Eating recounts how she discovered the need for a book offering a comprehensive food addiction program and the concept of implementing "bright line rules" for sustainable weight loss.
43:20 - 48:25 (05:05)
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Food addiction

The founder of Bright Line Eating recounts how she discovered the need for a book offering a comprehensive food addiction program and the concept of implementing "bright line rules" for sustainable weight loss.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
Binge eaters get full but still feel hungry, triggering them to want to eat more.
48:25 - 52:51 (04:26)
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Binge eating

Binge eaters get full but still feel hungry, triggering them to want to eat more. Overeating can lead to a feeling of self-harm and should be avoided.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The hosts discuss the importance of planning in achieving the desired results versus living by the seat of one's pants and being shocked when things don't turn out well, particularly in the context of dieting and healthy eating.
52:51 - 57:43 (04:51)
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The hosts discuss the importance of planning in achieving the desired results versus living by the seat of one's pants and being shocked when things don't turn out well, particularly in the context of dieting and healthy eating.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
Bright Line Eating helps people lose more weight in the first two months than any other program, with some achieving over 200 pounds of weight loss and maintaining it for years.
57:43 - 1:03:36 (05:52)
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Weight Loss

Bright Line Eating helps people lose more weight in the first two months than any other program, with some achieving over 200 pounds of weight loss and maintaining it for years. However, the success rate varies among individuals.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
A conversation about disciplined eating habits and food addiction, where the guest shares about how he is able to control his food intake and cravings by allowing himself a few bites of dessert instead of completely restricting himself.
1:03:36 - 1:08:12 (04:36)
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Eating habits

A conversation about disciplined eating habits and food addiction, where the guest shares about how he is able to control his food intake and cravings by allowing himself a few bites of dessert instead of completely restricting himself.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
Without support and a shared communal identity, overcoming food addiction can be difficult.
1:08:12 - 1:16:37 (08:25)
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Food addiction

Without support and a shared communal identity, overcoming food addiction can be difficult. While some may have exceptional willpower and can quit unhealthy eating without assistance, support and motivation are key for most people.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the impact of food addiction on weight and why people with addictive personalities must have a good plan, support system, and structure in place to help them manage their cravings.
1:16:37 - 1:19:51 (03:13)
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Food addiction

The speaker discusses the impact of food addiction on weight and why people with addictive personalities must have a good plan, support system, and structure in place to help them manage their cravings. Research shows that 22% of people who are in a right-sized body with no weight problems have full-blown food addiction.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
This podcast episode talks about how addiction to food can harm mental health and how a program called Bright Line Eating can help overcome it.
1:19:51 - 1:23:31 (03:40)
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Mental Health

This podcast episode talks about how addiction to food can harm mental health and how a program called Bright Line Eating can help overcome it. The program can also improve energy, social support, and overall well-being.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
Studies have shown that there is a linear relationship between the consumption of vegetables and mood, as well as depression and anxiety.
1:23:31 - 1:29:19 (05:47)
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Mental Health

Studies have shown that there is a linear relationship between the consumption of vegetables and mood, as well as depression and anxiety. The Bright Line Eating approach, which eliminates sugar and emphasizes vegetable intake, enhances mood.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness
The truth about food addiction is that not every brain is equally affected but for those who are affected, a plan of structured eating can provide a lot of freedom.
1:29:19 - 1:31:39 (02:20)
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Food Addiction

The truth about food addiction is that not every brain is equally affected but for those who are affected, a plan of structured eating can provide a lot of freedom. It is possible for people to overcome addiction and live a healthy, happy life.

The Psychology Behind Food Addiction & Creating Better Habits EP 1316
The School of Greatness