
The Science of Heat and Cold Exposure
Leveraging specific portals in your body for cooling can have a fast and dramatic impact on your core body temperature. The baseline circadian rhythm in core body temperature is important to remember when using deliberate cold exposure to access specific states.
Understanding your baseline circadian rhythm in core body temperature can help determine when deliberate cold exposure may be beneficial for accessing specific states.
14:57 - 20:07 (05:09)
Understanding your baseline circadian rhythm in core body temperature can help determine when deliberate cold exposure may be beneficial for accessing specific states.
ChapterThe Science of Heat and Cold Exposure
EpisodeUsing Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance
PodcastHuberman Lab
Exploring the best ways to cool the body for offsetting hyperthermia and improving cognitive and athletic performance, the podcast discusses the importance of the circadian rhythm of temperature and leveraging specific portals on the body for maximum cooling impact.
20:07 - 26:10 (06:02)
Exploring the best ways to cool the body for offsetting hyperthermia and improving cognitive and athletic performance, the podcast discusses the importance of the circadian rhythm of temperature and leveraging specific portals on the body for maximum cooling impact.