
The State of the Dating Market for Young Men in 2022
A prominent YouTuber discusses the impact of Red Pill, Black Pill, Manosphere, Lux Max, and Pick Up Artistry on young men trying to improve their dating lives, leading to a growing population of lonely men and limited options for women in the dating market.
In this podcast, the host discusses the impact of the Red Pill, Black Pill, Manosphere, Lux Max, and Pick Up Artistry communities on young men today, leading to loneliness and a lack of good dating options for women.
00:00 - 01:59 (01:59)
In this podcast, the host discusses the impact of the Red Pill, Black Pill, Manosphere, Lux Max, and Pick Up Artistry communities on young men today, leading to loneliness and a lack of good dating options for women. They also interview a YouTuber who provides insights into the dating world for young men in 2022.