
The Temptation of Wrongdoing
This TED Talk discusses the reasons behind why people are drawn to acts of wrongdoing following a lapse in judgment, exploring key lessons learnt over years of research. With reference to St. Augustine's Confessions, the speaker reveals insights from his “perversity project,” in which people shared stories of perverse behaviors.
Psychologist Paul Bloom shares his findings on why acts of wrongdoing can be tempting in his 2023 TED Talk, TED at Destination Canada.
00:00 - 01:24 (01:24)
Psychologist Paul Bloom shares his findings on why acts of wrongdoing can be tempting in his 2023 TED Talk, TED at Destination Canada.
ChapterThe Temptation of Wrongdoing
EpisodeThe surprising psychology behind your urge to break the rules | Paul Bloom
PodcastTED Talks Daily
The sin that Augustine talks about in The Confessions is not carnal but it has to do with pears.
01:24 - 02:41 (01:17)
The sin that Augustine talks about in The Confessions is not carnal but it has to do with pears. He writes that he was motivated by a desire just to do wrong.