
The surprising psychology behind your urge to break the rules | Paul Bloom
We all experience it: that desire to do something wrong just for the sake of it. Whether it's walking on manicured grass or sticking your finger in a friend's ice cream, psychologist Paul Bloom invites us to see the clever, creative and beautiful side of these minor impulses to do bad. He dives into the psychology behind this all-too-human condition -- and proposes that it helps make our world a little more unpredictable and fun.
This TED Talk discusses the reasons behind why people are drawn to acts of wrongdoing following a lapse in judgment, exploring key lessons learnt over years of research.
00:00 - 02:41 (02:41)
This TED Talk discusses the reasons behind why people are drawn to acts of wrongdoing following a lapse in judgment, exploring key lessons learnt over years of research. With reference to St. Augustine's Confessions, the speaker reveals insights from his “perversity project,” in which people shared stories of perverse behaviors.
EpisodeThe surprising psychology behind your urge to break the rules | Paul Bloom
PodcastTED Talks Daily
The irrational part of us has a lot more power than we think.
02:41 - 07:38 (04:57)
The irrational part of us has a lot more power than we think. Rory Sutherland explains how small acts of "modest perversity" can have a significant influence on our decisions and the choices we make in life.
EpisodeThe surprising psychology behind your urge to break the rules | Paul Bloom
PodcastTED Talks Daily
This podcast explores the idea that people are not only motivated by material self-interest or affiliation with social and political groups, but also by a desire to be free of constraints and exhibit a little bit of perversity in their decision making.
07:38 - 12:02 (04:24)
This podcast explores the idea that people are not only motivated by material self-interest or affiliation with social and political groups, but also by a desire to be free of constraints and exhibit a little bit of perversity in their decision making. It is suggested that life with a little bit of perversity in it is a lot more interesting.