

The Vital Role of Soil in Combating Climate Change
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05:50 - 12:07 (06:17)

Soil is capable of holding immense amounts of organic matter that is carbon, and the UN has estimated that we can reduce greenhouse gases by taking care of degraded farmland and improving soil health. The loss of organic matter in soil is responsible for 30 to 40 percent of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere currently, as compared to the trillion tons of carbon in the atmosphere.

The soil can hold three times more carbon than what is currently in the atmosphere, making healthy soil a crucial factor in remedying climate change.
05:50 - 09:41 (03:50)
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Soil, Climate Change

The soil can hold three times more carbon than what is currently in the atmosphere, making healthy soil a crucial factor in remedying climate change. Loss of organic matter in soil is responsible for 30-40% of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

The Vital Role of Soil in Combating Climate Change
3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
Food waste is the number one source of climate change, contributing to about 50% of greenhouse gases.
09:41 - 12:07 (02:26)
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climate change

Food waste is the number one source of climate change, contributing to about 50% of greenhouse gases. The end-to-end food system, including transportation, storage, refrigeration, and waste, needs to be addressed in order to mitigate its impact on the environment.

The Vital Role of Soil in Combating Climate Change
3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness