

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
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Published: Fri Oct 07 2022

Today’s Masterclass revolves around the topic of health. Three experts share their tips and advice for how you can improve the overall quality of your health and the specific ways you can prevent common diseases. In this episode,Dr. Mark Hyman, physician and author, explains the lesser known causes of diabetes and why food can either be the cause or cure of common diseases. Dr. Steven Gundry, Founder of Gundry MD & best-selling author, teaches how you can reverse the effects of aging by starting to eat with your stomach instead of your tongue. Dr. Casey Means, Chief medical officer & Co-founder of Levels, dives into how glucose is negatively impacting our metabolic and cellular function and what you should do about it.For more, go to EpisodesMark Hyman: Means: Gundry:

Type 1 diabetes used to be mainly referred to as juvenile diabetes but now, children as young as three are getting type 2 diabetes due to the excessive consumption of sugary drinks.
00:00 - 02:36 (02:36)
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Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes used to be mainly referred to as juvenile diabetes but now, children as young as three are getting type 2 diabetes due to the excessive consumption of sugary drinks. In addition to celiac, links have been found between dairy and the autoimmune disease.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares his realization that many of his patients' diseases are caused by food, and that in order to truly help them he needs to address the root cause of the problem.
02:36 - 05:50 (03:13)
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Food, Health

The speaker shares his realization that many of his patients' diseases are caused by food, and that in order to truly help them he needs to address the root cause of the problem. He also notes the power of the agriculture and food lobby group in Congress.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
Soil is capable of holding immense amounts of organic matter that is carbon, and the UN has estimated that we can reduce greenhouse gases by taking care of degraded farmland and improving soil health.
05:50 - 12:07 (06:17)
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Soil Health

Soil is capable of holding immense amounts of organic matter that is carbon, and the UN has estimated that we can reduce greenhouse gases by taking care of degraded farmland and improving soil health. The loss of organic matter in soil is responsible for 30 to 40 percent of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere currently, as compared to the trillion tons of carbon in the atmosphere.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
Congress' ties to the food industry have hindered progress in food labeling and safety regulations.
12:07 - 17:16 (05:08)
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Food Policy

Congress' ties to the food industry have hindered progress in food labeling and safety regulations. A new non-profit, the Food Fix Campaign, aims to lobby lawmakers and drive policy change to remove harmful substances from the food system.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses the creation of front groups as independent entities and the corruption present in professional societies such as the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association that give guidelines under conflict of interest.
17:16 - 23:59 (06:42)
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The podcast discusses the creation of front groups as independent entities and the corruption present in professional societies such as the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association that give guidelines under conflict of interest.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
Dr. Steven Gundry discusses how our family's eating habits can impact our own health and emphasizes the role of the microbiome in our overall wellbeing.
23:59 - 31:08 (07:08)
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Dr. Steven Gundry discusses how our family's eating habits can impact our own health and emphasizes the role of the microbiome in our overall wellbeing.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
This podcast explains how the giant coiled snake in our gut is actually bacteria that have eaten the fiber, and how bacteria in the placenta give information to the baby's immune system.
31:08 - 36:12 (05:04)
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This podcast explains how the giant coiled snake in our gut is actually bacteria that have eaten the fiber, and how bacteria in the placenta give information to the baby's immune system. It also includes an interesting facts about breeding germ-free mice.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
A high intake of sugar can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in our bodies, particularly when our blood sugar levels spike.
36:12 - 45:34 (09:21)
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A high intake of sugar can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress in our bodies, particularly when our blood sugar levels spike. Certain types of sugar, like fructose, can also convert into uric acid and disrupt insulin levels.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness
Discover simple ways to balance your glucose levels and avoid the glucose roller coaster caused by our typical American diet heavy in refined sugar and grains.
45:34 - 47:28 (01:53)
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Discover simple ways to balance your glucose levels and avoid the glucose roller coaster caused by our typical American diet heavy in refined sugar and grains.

3 Ways You Can Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease In Your Life [MASTERCLASS] EP 1329
The School of Greatness