

The war effort in Bhutan
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4:07:50 - 4:15:00 (07:10)

The Allied forces in Bhutan are struggling against infiltrators and General Wainwright's strategy has backfired, allowing Japanese forces to surround them. Despite the need for refitting and resupplying, the Allied forces are at risk of being overrun and stripped of resources by the Japanese army.

The Battle of Bhutan, part of World War II, was fought in a dense jungle that General Wainwright had hoped would be an insurmountable obstacle for the Japanese, but in reality, it turned out to be easily infiltrated by them.
4:07:50 - 4:10:51 (03:01)
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World War II

The Battle of Bhutan, part of World War II, was fought in a dense jungle that General Wainwright had hoped would be an insurmountable obstacle for the Japanese, but in reality, it turned out to be easily infiltrated by them. Soldiers described the Japanese infiltrators as having hollow eyes and sunken cheeks as they crept past their defenses.

The war effort in Bhutan
Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
General Halma and his troops are faced with the challenges of surviving winter during wartime.
4:10:51 - 4:12:29 (01:38)
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General Halma and his troops are faced with the challenges of surviving winter during wartime. The Allied forces would normally use this time to refit and resupply, but they must push through and finish the mission despite disease and starvation.

The war effort in Bhutan
Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Major Harold Johnson describes the harsh winter conditions in war with soldiers having to chew on mule hide or carabao hide for nutrition.
4:12:31 - 4:15:00 (02:29)
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Major Harold Johnson describes the harsh winter conditions in war with soldiers having to chew on mule hide or carabao hide for nutrition. Similarly, the jungle terrain was known to reliably kill soldiers fighting in it all season long.

The war effort in Bhutan
Show 64 - Supernova in the East III
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History