
Touched with Fire: The Land War in the South Pacific
The transcript discusses the book "Touched with Fire: The Land War in the South Pacific" and how the experience of war depends on the zoom level. The discussion includes the contrast between the experiences of those at higher levels versus squad leaders and their squads.
The Kokoda Track, a vital strategic objective during World War II, was a brutal battlefield where wounded soldiers had to be carried on cots by native carriers through streams and rocky trails.
32:20 - 34:18 (01:57)
The Kokoda Track, a vital strategic objective during World War II, was a brutal battlefield where wounded soldiers had to be carried on cots by native carriers through streams and rocky trails. Despite the grand plans of generals and majors, it was a straight-up corporal's war fought on the ground.
ChapterTouched with Fire: The Land War in the South Pacific
EpisodeShow 66 - Supernova in the East V
PodcastDan Carlin's Hardcore History
A US squad leader explains the difference between the experience of the 17-25 human beings supporting every combat man at a war level versus the perspective of a squad leader and those in their squad during ground-level fighting in the Pacific.
34:18 - 37:11 (02:53)
A US squad leader explains the difference between the experience of the 17-25 human beings supporting every combat man at a war level versus the perspective of a squad leader and those in their squad during ground-level fighting in the Pacific. The zoom level at which war is viewed determines its appearance.