

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
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Published: Fri Nov 13 2020

Can suicidal bravery and fanatical determination make up for material, industrial and numerical insufficiency? As the Asia-Pacific conflict turns against the Japanese these questions are put to the test. The results are nightmarish.

In this episode of Supernova in the East, the podcast talks about the Japanese advance on New Guinea during the Second World War, and how the Japanese committed atrocious acts of violence during the advancement.
00:00 - 03:49 (03:49)
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Second World War

In this episode of Supernova in the East, the podcast talks about the Japanese advance on New Guinea during the Second World War, and how the Japanese committed atrocious acts of violence during the advancement.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The fascist intellectual doctrine encouraged an Iron Fist policy to crush dissent and enforce behavior among people, similar to the Nazi regime's orders and the Ober Salzburg speeches.
03:49 - 10:24 (06:35)
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The fascist intellectual doctrine encouraged an Iron Fist policy to crush dissent and enforce behavior among people, similar to the Nazi regime's orders and the Ober Salzburg speeches. Post-war evaluations of human conduct and obedience to orders were critical in examining the behavior of people in these situations.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese troops in WWII were known for their extreme cruelty which created a level of hatred among Pacific veterans.
10:24 - 16:35 (06:10)
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The Japanese troops in WWII were known for their extreme cruelty which created a level of hatred among Pacific veterans. Despite the similarities in basic training, the Japanese soldiers had a different mindset and their cultural beliefs made things even worse.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The fighting in New Guinea during World War II combined the worst aspects of jungle and mountain combat, with unforgiving terrain and weather that made survival incredibly difficult.
16:35 - 26:04 (09:28)
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New Guinea

The fighting in New Guinea during World War II combined the worst aspects of jungle and mountain combat, with unforgiving terrain and weather that made survival incredibly difficult. Soldiers on both sides frequently got lost, with some never returning, as the environment was so harsh.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The diverse native peoples of New Guinea were crucial to the Allies' efforts during World War II due to their intimate knowledge of the terrain and their willingness to aid the military.
26:04 - 32:19 (06:14)
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New Guinea

The diverse native peoples of New Guinea were crucial to the Allies' efforts during World War II due to their intimate knowledge of the terrain and their willingness to aid the military. Despite being colonized subjects and facing potential resentment, these native peoples offered invaluable assistance and saved countless lives during the war.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The transcript discusses the book "Touched with Fire: The Land War in the South Pacific" and how the experience of war depends on the zoom level.
32:20 - 37:11 (04:50)
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War, Pacific

The transcript discusses the book "Touched with Fire: The Land War in the South Pacific" and how the experience of war depends on the zoom level. The discussion includes the contrast between the experiences of those at higher levels versus squad leaders and their squads.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Hear accounts from soldiers on the ground and war correspondents about the grueling battles and tactics used during the Kokoda campaign in World War II.
37:11 - 43:13 (06:01)
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World War II

Hear accounts from soldiers on the ground and war correspondents about the grueling battles and tactics used during the Kokoda campaign in World War II.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In this podcast episode, Osmar White talks about the friendly and hospitable natives in New Guinea, specifically mentioning a native named Lick Lick who fought alongside Australian troops and even cut the heads off of Japanese soldiers.
43:13 - 49:54 (06:41)
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New Guinea

In this podcast episode, Osmar White talks about the friendly and hospitable natives in New Guinea, specifically mentioning a native named Lick Lick who fought alongside Australian troops and even cut the heads off of Japanese soldiers. The podcast also discusses the importance of the Milne Bay battle and how it took pressure off other areas such as Guadalcanal.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The non-sexy stuff, such as logistics and resupplying, begins to turn the tide against the Axis in the Pacific and European war.
49:56 - 56:22 (06:26)
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The non-sexy stuff, such as logistics and resupplying, begins to turn the tide against the Axis in the Pacific and European war. The grinding war of attrition shows that the side with the most resources and better ability to transport them will ultimately win.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Pacific War was a brutal war of attrition that lacked the typical front lines and tactics seen in other wars.
56:23 - 1:04:40 (08:17)
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Pacific War

The Pacific War was a brutal war of attrition that lacked the typical front lines and tactics seen in other wars. The soldiers fighting in the jungle faced extreme physical conditions and fought with a savage and relentless intensity that was unique to this theater of war, which creates a sense of fatalism amongst the troops.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In this podcast, the speaker explores how author James Jones portrays the human experience in war through his book "The Thin Red Line," highlighting the stark contrast between the viewpoints of the leaders and soldiers and the class differences among soldiers.
1:04:41 - 1:09:05 (04:24)
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War literature

In this podcast, the speaker explores how author James Jones portrays the human experience in war through his book "The Thin Red Line," highlighting the stark contrast between the viewpoints of the leaders and soldiers and the class differences among soldiers.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The details of war are often filtered out of public conversation, as the truth about the violence and brutality of conflict is too horrific to serve as either propaganda or entertainment.
1:09:06 - 1:15:25 (06:18)
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The details of war are often filtered out of public conversation, as the truth about the violence and brutality of conflict is too horrific to serve as either propaganda or entertainment. Soldiers who return from the front lines are often frustrated by the lack of public understanding about the reality of modern warfare.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The occurrence of friendly fire in modern warfare is an unavoidable issue, resulting in the deaths of many soldiers.
1:15:26 - 1:21:32 (06:06)
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Friendly Fire

The occurrence of friendly fire in modern warfare is an unavoidable issue, resulting in the deaths of many soldiers. Despite efforts to weed out mentally and emotionally unfit individuals for combat, psychiatric casualties still occurred during World War II, leading to the loss of 504,000 men in the fighting effort.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Guadalcanal campaign was a brutal and deadly conflict, with soldiers experiencing close combat and severe wounds.
1:21:32 - 1:31:36 (10:04)
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Guadalcanal campaign

The Guadalcanal campaign was a brutal and deadly conflict, with soldiers experiencing close combat and severe wounds. The difference between soldiers from different regions is noticeable in photographs, and the major attacks launched by Japanese troops were always recorded as official battles in the campaign.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The experiences of soldiers at war can be traumatic, and while there are moments of human connection, warfare often defies the basic instincts of our humanity, as shown by the Christmas truces of World War I and II as well as the brutality in the Pacific theater.
1:31:37 - 1:35:21 (03:44)
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The experiences of soldiers at war can be traumatic, and while there are moments of human connection, warfare often defies the basic instincts of our humanity, as shown by the Christmas truces of World War I and II as well as the brutality in the Pacific theater.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Japanese soldiers at Guadalcanal showed immense determination and courage despite being heavily outnumbered and suffering from starvation and lack of resources.
1:35:22 - 1:40:11 (04:49)
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World War II

The Japanese soldiers at Guadalcanal showed immense determination and courage despite being heavily outnumbered and suffering from starvation and lack of resources. Ultimately, the Americans declared the area secure with a high casualty rate on both sides.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In the first year of the United States engagement in World War II, Americans produced 49,445 planes while Japan only produced 8,861.
1:40:11 - 1:44:15 (04:03)
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World War II

In the first year of the United States engagement in World War II, Americans produced 49,445 planes while Japan only produced 8,861. The difference in production numbers would prove to be a significant disadvantage for Japan in its war efforts.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In his book "The Conquering Tide", Ian W. Toll discusses the Japanese perspective on the Allied leapfrogging strategy during World War II in the Pacific Theater.
1:44:16 - 1:51:00 (06:44)
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World War II

In his book "The Conquering Tide", Ian W. Toll discusses the Japanese perspective on the Allied leapfrogging strategy during World War II in the Pacific Theater. The plan bypassed major strong points and cut them off from resupply and reinforcement, causing the soldiers in those areas to starve to death rather than be taken out in battle.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Admiral Yamamoto, a key figure in the Japanese military, is shot down and killed by American pilots on April 18th, 1943, after the US military are able to decode Japanese messages about his location.
1:51:01 - 1:56:20 (05:18)
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Admiral Yamamoto, a key figure in the Japanese military, is shot down and killed by American pilots on April 18th, 1943, after the US military are able to decode Japanese messages about his location. His death is symbolic of the state of the Japanese war effort, which is starting to look bleak by mid-1943.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The island is heavily though fortified and protected.
1:56:20 - 2:03:46 (07:25)
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The island is heavily though fortified and protected.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This episode describes the tragic events that took place during the Battle for Tarawa, including how troops had to brave the water filled with bullets and dead soldiers in order to get to the island, the struggles they faced while trying to help wounded soldiers, and the difficulties in bringing in tanks to aid them.
2:03:46 - 2:07:21 (03:35)
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Battle for Tarawa

This episode describes the tragic events that took place during the Battle for Tarawa, including how troops had to brave the water filled with bullets and dead soldiers in order to get to the island, the struggles they faced while trying to help wounded soldiers, and the difficulties in bringing in tanks to aid them.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
In this episode, Ernest and Trevor DuPuis discuss the role of catalysis in driving positive change, and share their insights on the importance of fostering innovation and sustainability in various industries.
2:07:21 - 2:13:07 (05:46)
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In this episode, Ernest and Trevor DuPuis discuss the role of catalysis in driving positive change, and share their insights on the importance of fostering innovation and sustainability in various industries.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
No content is written.
2:13:07 - 2:15:04 (01:57)
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No content is written. The transcript consists of the phrase "End quote" repeatedly.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
This transcript appears to be incomplete or corrupted and cannot be summarized.
2:15:04 - 2:17:14 (02:10)
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This transcript appears to be incomplete or corrupted and cannot be summarized.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The transcript is a collection of repeated phrases and does not have any clear topic or message.
2:17:14 - 2:20:26 (03:12)
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The transcript is a collection of repeated phrases and does not have any clear topic or message.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Unable to provide a summary due to the lack of a coherent transcript.
2:20:26 - 2:22:42 (02:16)
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Unable to provide a summary due to the lack of a coherent transcript.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
A discussion on the importance of building strength and endurance for overall fitness.
2:22:42 - 2:53:56 (31:14)
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A discussion on the importance of building strength and endurance for overall fitness.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Operation Ichigo involved half a million soldiers and was Japan's largest offensive of WWII's Pacific theater, yet it did not result in a decisive gain for Japan.
2:54:24 - 3:01:15 (06:50)
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Pacific Theater

Operation Ichigo involved half a million soldiers and was Japan's largest offensive of WWII's Pacific theater, yet it did not result in a decisive gain for Japan.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The Battle for Saipan saw the American interservice rivalry come to boiling point as the army and marine commanders had a fallout in their battle strategy and reliability, leading to the involvement of the American High Command back in Washington DC.
3:01:15 - 3:06:52 (05:36)
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American interservice rivalry

The Battle for Saipan saw the American interservice rivalry come to boiling point as the army and marine commanders had a fallout in their battle strategy and reliability, leading to the involvement of the American High Command back in Washington DC.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The battle for Saipan in World War II saw Japanese soldiers take refuge in caves, which were also sometimes home to civilians.
3:06:52 - 3:14:13 (07:21)
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World War II

The battle for Saipan in World War II saw Japanese soldiers take refuge in caves, which were also sometimes home to civilians. The presence of civilians made things more complicated and tragic as they were caught in the crossfire, with many resorting to killing themselves with cyanide to avoid capture or torture.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Ivan Morris, in his book, “The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan,” puts the context of the Japanese suicidal attacks in a larger perspective, including the infamous bonsai charges and the kyo-kosai, where Japanese troops took part in mass suicide on the island of Saipan.
3:14:14 - 3:22:51 (08:37)
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Japan, Suicidal Attacks

Ivan Morris, in his book, “The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan,” puts the context of the Japanese suicidal attacks in a larger perspective, including the infamous bonsai charges and the kyo-kosai, where Japanese troops took part in mass suicide on the island of Saipan.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The battles for Saipan, Tinian, and Guam during World War II resulted in high casualties for both the Japanese and American forces, with estimates varying for civilian deaths as well.
3:22:53 - 3:27:33 (04:40)
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World War II

The battles for Saipan, Tinian, and Guam during World War II resulted in high casualties for both the Japanese and American forces, with estimates varying for civilian deaths as well. The disproportionate kill ratio faced by the Japanese was a turning point in the Pacific campaign.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Japan began to arm and train its entire population for the last ditch stand on the home islands.
3:27:34 - 3:31:32 (03:58)
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Japan began to arm and train its entire population for the last ditch stand on the home islands. Hirohito confirmed the new preparations for defense at his imperial conference and emphasis was given on air defense, fighting the enemy in the interior and rapid development of 'sure victory weapons' which meant large scale production of so-called suicide weapons.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Get classic Hardcore History titles such as Wrath of the Cons, Punic Nightmares, Apache Tears, Ghosts of the Ost Front and more from
3:31:33 - 3:32:25 (00:52)
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Get classic Hardcore History titles such as Wrath of the Cons, Punic Nightmares, Apache Tears, Ghosts of the Ost Front and more from The final installment of this series covers the battles of Iwo Jima, Okinawa, MacArthur's return to the Philippines, kamikazes, atomic war, and Armageddon in modern warfare.

Show 66 - Supernova in the East V
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History