

Strategies for Growing an Early-stage Company
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31:08 - 33:44 (02:35)

The founder of ProLintent explains how he grew his early-stage company, including personalized emails to potential contributors and reaching out to reporters in the tech industry.

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The speaker discusses the advantages and disadvantages of building an audience through social media platforms like Facebook, pointing out that all of these big companies began with an email list.
29:57 - 31:29 (01:32)
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Social Media

The speaker discusses the advantages and disadvantages of building an audience through social media platforms like Facebook, pointing out that all of these big companies began with an email list. He likens building an audience on social media to renting an apartment, where the landlord can raise the price at any time, and argues that email is a more stable platform for audience building.

Starting a Blog and Building Communities
#3 - Making Millions off an Email Newsletter?! Sam Parr from The Hustle Tells All
My First Million
This episode talks about the journey from being disliked to developing a podcasting partnership.
09:46 - 11:32 (01:46)
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This episode talks about the journey from being disliked to developing a podcasting partnership. It explains how a person went from receiving backlash for their approach to developing a strong working relationship.

The Popularity of Pickleball
#292: Thomas Shields – Building Pickleball's Biggest Media Company
The Danny Miranda Podcast
The speaker discusses the importance of having a positive impact on listeners through podcast interviews and aims to provide something that they can apply in their lives.
37:19 - 39:18 (01:58)
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The speaker discusses the importance of having a positive impact on listeners through podcast interviews and aims to provide something that they can apply in their lives.

Interviews That Touch The Heart
734 The Mindset and Discipline to Build a Brand and Business
The School of Greatness
The founder of the scientific computing library SciPy discusses how it emerged from a collection of modules shared online in the late 1990s and how the community of users and contributors helped to shape it into what it is today.
36:45 - 38:24 (01:39)
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The founder of the scientific computing library SciPy discusses how it emerged from a collection of modules shared online in the late 1990s and how the community of users and contributors helped to shape it into what it is today.

Developing Tools and Helping Users
#224 – Travis Oliphant: NumPy, SciPy, Anaconda, Python & Scientific Programming
Lex Fridman Podcast
In this episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, Tim and Seth Godin discuss Seth's lifelong writing practice, rules for writing and productivity, and his book "This Is Marketing" as well as how he manages his life using rules, principles, and obsessions.
51:26 - 55:57 (04:31)
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In this episode of The Tim Ferriss Show, Tim and Seth Godin discuss Seth's lifelong writing practice, rules for writing and productivity, and his book "This Is Marketing" as well as how he manages his life using rules, principles, and obsessions.

Trust, Attention, and Doing Something That's Never Been Done Before
#376: How Seth Godin Manages His Life — Rules, Principles, and Obsessions (Repost)
The Tim Ferriss Show