

The Danger of Staying in Toxic Relationships
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11:37 - 13:51 (02:13)

The speaker talks about the dangers of staying in toxic relationships where one is under the illusion of seeing the person in the best light, even though they may be a bad person. They feel hypnotized in their relationships and can't break up due to various reasons.

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Breakups are always sad, even if it's a bad relationship, and it's hard to end things without feeling like you're losing a part of yourself.
32:13 - 33:04 (00:51)
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Breakups are always sad, even if it's a bad relationship, and it's hard to end things without feeling like you're losing a part of yourself. The fear of hurting the other person and the recency bias can cause difficulty in the process.

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29:47 - 32:58 (03:10)
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Self-love, Relationships

In this podcast, the host talks about her journey towards understanding that you don't need a partner to feel complete or happy, and the importance of loving and valuing yourself before entering a relationship. She explains that a healthy relationship should complement your life rather than complete it.

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Date Yourself Instead
The speaker encourages the audience to address any toxic behavior in their relationships and to prioritize their own self-growth before jumping into a relationship with another person.
22:08 - 24:47 (02:39)
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The speaker encourages the audience to address any toxic behavior in their relationships and to prioritize their own self-growth before jumping into a relationship with another person. They emphasize the importance of creating a beautiful bond with oneself and with a partner through courageous conversations and a healthy relationship dynamic.

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The School of Greatness
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34:11 - 36:27 (02:15)
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Toxic Relationships

This podcast discusses how people in toxic relationships forget that other people have feelings too, and it's crucial to prioritize your own needs first before trying to help others see things from a different perspective.

The Importance of Validating Yourself in a Disappointing Situation
19. Dealing With Toxic People
Aware & Aggravated
The speaker discusses the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety that can arise when seeking validation through psychic readings and emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-care to balance oneself and listen to their inner voice with clarity.
06:40 - 10:02 (03:21)
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The speaker discusses the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety that can arise when seeking validation through psychic readings and emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-care to balance oneself and listen to their inner voice with clarity.

Trusting Your Intuition
Trusting Your Intuition and Inner Voice
Date Yourself Instead