Refined sugars, sweetened beverages, and refined carbs like cereals, breads, and pizza are the biggest culprits that one must avoid for a healthier lifestyle. Fruits and vegetables, even though marketed as healthy options, might not benefit the body due to their high level of postprandial blood sugar-spiking, such as grapes.
The podcast discusses how second round rookie picks are often overhyped and how Dwayne McBride may be a potential bust.
Speculation around the possibility of the New Orleans Pelicans trading a key player if they lose Round 2 or 3 of the NBA playoffs.
The speaker expresses the duality of her thoughts on sexual freedom and empowerment of women, while also being horrified by how fast kids have sex and the pressure put on girls to be sexual beings.
The Republicans who supported the gun restriction bill and infrastructure bill are now supporting to codify aubergifil. The question arises whether the Republicans can codify abortion rights in the country if they wanted to.
The most interesting jobs are the ones that you make up. Don't worry about what your job is going to be, instead focus on things that interest you, do them well, and find a way to turn them into a business opportunity.