Most of our problems are not big problems and can be solved with simple activities like sleeping, drinking water, going to the gym, or talking to a friend. By taking a break between a stimulus and response, such as going for a walk, one may feel otherworldly differences.
The takeoff and landing process of a plane requires extreme concentration even for modern airline pilots who basically fly on autopilot. These meditative moments serve to atomize distractions and create a peaceful floating sensation once in the air.
The trick is a counterintuitive take on something that everybody does or believes is true.
Learn how to manage negative thoughts by using strategic techniques to overcome them and regain control of situations you are in.
The intangible feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction after completing a workout or achieving a goal outweighs the temporary discomfort of the process, according to the speaker. Setting goals and making it a competition with oneself can help maintain motivation and drive towards these intangible rewards.