
742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
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Published: Mon Jan 07 2019

DON'T LET "POTENTIAL" BE WRITTEN ON YOUR TOMBSTONE. About ten years ago when I was playing professional football, I got injured. I ended up on my sister’s couch. I felt bad for myself and thought that there should be a way for people like me to get help. Then I realized- what if I could solve this problem? It was that experience that led me into the work I do today. One of the reasons I don’t follow politics is because I want to focus on overcoming our own challenges. That’s why I’m so interested in my guest on today’s episode of The School of Greatness: Ben Shapiro. Ben Shapiro is editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire and host of "The Ben Shapiro Show," the top conservative podcast in the nation. Ben is the New York Times bestselling author of seven nonfiction books and is constantly featured on major newspapers and websites. Ben believes that people need to look within when they have a problem. He’s more interested in root values than debating specific issues. He ruffles a lot of feathers and I don’t agree with everything he says, but I still think you’re going to enjoy this one. So get ready to learn about going from victimhood to a powerful mindset on Episode 742. Some Questions I Ask: Why are you so passionate about your message? (3:00) How do you avoid judging people you disagree with (6:00) Who was the most influential person in your life growing up? (17:00) What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from your mom? (35:00) What’s your most proud moment growing up? (57:30) What is your purpose moving forward? (1:15:00) In This Episode You Will Learn: How to debate effectively (8:00) The difference between rights and duties (28:00) The four things humans need to be happy (38:00) About Ben’s challenging upbringing (50:00) About the importance of authenticity (1:00:00)

A podcast host is fascinated by the interviewee's ability to communicate, make a point and win their argument based on facts not feelings.
00:00 - 03:41 (03:41)
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A podcast host is fascinated by the interviewee's ability to communicate, make a point and win their argument based on facts not feelings. They praise their debating skills as they discuss the art of taking away personal judgment in debates.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The tendency of humans to perceive disagreement as a result of bad intention or personhood often leads to conflicts but assuming that the other party is not a bad person can help in finding common ground in times of disagreements.
03:41 - 11:24 (07:43)
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Conflict Resolution

The tendency of humans to perceive disagreement as a result of bad intention or personhood often leads to conflicts but assuming that the other party is not a bad person can help in finding common ground in times of disagreements.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
Ben Shapiro believes that gender is biologically based and uses biological pronouns when speaking publicly about the issue.
11:24 - 18:58 (07:33)
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Gender identity

Ben Shapiro believes that gender is biologically based and uses biological pronouns when speaking publicly about the issue. He acknowledges that he's said some dumb stuff in the past and updates his views when people bring them to his attention.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of treating political ideas seriously and not dumbing them down for young people.
18:58 - 23:08 (04:10)
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The speaker discusses the importance of treating political ideas seriously and not dumbing them down for young people. He emphasizes that people are capable of understanding more if they are presented with respect.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses how people are different in terms of their intelligence and earning capacity and how we need to accept this rather than constantly complain and focus on the problem.
23:08 - 28:20 (05:12)
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Reality Differences

The podcast discusses how people are different in terms of their intelligence and earning capacity and how we need to accept this rather than constantly complain and focus on the problem.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The concept of negative rights, expressed in the Bill of Rights, is about the government not imposing limits on citizens.
28:21 - 35:16 (06:55)
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Constitutional Rights

The concept of negative rights, expressed in the Bill of Rights, is about the government not imposing limits on citizens. Meanwhile, positive rights, often cited by those on the left, refer to things that an individual has the right to do without government control.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The facelessness of government can lead to a disconnect between receiving benefits and acknowledging taxpayer contributions.
35:17 - 38:32 (03:14)
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Government Benefits

The facelessness of government can lead to a disconnect between receiving benefits and acknowledging taxpayer contributions. However, recognizing the source of funding can foster a sense of responsibility towards the community as a whole.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
Ben Shapiro asserts that for human beings to be happy, they need a world where they have free will, can make freely willed decisions, there is a creator who stands behind a rational universe, and have the capacity to understand that universe through reason and logic.
38:32 - 42:12 (03:39)
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Ben Shapiro asserts that for human beings to be happy, they need a world where they have free will, can make freely willed decisions, there is a creator who stands behind a rational universe, and have the capacity to understand that universe through reason and logic.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
Despite the push towards secularism, religion plays a vital role in providing the foundation for humans to create their own meaning and set of morals.
42:12 - 44:49 (02:36)
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Despite the push towards secularism, religion plays a vital role in providing the foundation for humans to create their own meaning and set of morals. While pleasure can motivate actions, it is not enough to consistently drive individuals to do the right thing.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The need for a vision of an ideal future and a sense of meaning is essential for individuals' happiness and well-being, even for those who are not religious or do not believe in God.
44:49 - 47:42 (02:53)
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Vision, Meaning

The need for a vision of an ideal future and a sense of meaning is essential for individuals' happiness and well-being, even for those who are not religious or do not believe in God. Communists were religious in their belief in a new utopia, and this illustrates the importance of having a vision for the future.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The importance of clear communication and the impact of cliques in high school are discussed.
47:42 - 51:52 (04:10)
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communication, cliques, high school

The importance of clear communication and the impact of cliques in high school are discussed. Citing personal experience, the speaker shares how attending a private Jewish day school affected the formation of cliques.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker recounts two disturbing experiences while at a cabin, one involving being handcuffed to a bed frame in front of others and another involving being held down and hit with belts.
51:52 - 53:41 (01:48)
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The speaker recounts two disturbing experiences while at a cabin, one involving being handcuffed to a bed frame in front of others and another involving being held down and hit with belts.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses how they prioritize their personal time over social commitments with even prominent people, including turning down dinner invites.
53:41 - 57:31 (03:50)
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The speaker discusses how they prioritize their personal time over social commitments with even prominent people, including turning down dinner invites. This perspective was formed at a young age and partially influenced by wearing a yarmulke to a public middle school.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares about his proudest moments in life, which include taking care of his family and being involved in things he cared about.
57:31 - 1:00:58 (03:26)
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Life Achievements.

The speaker shares about his proudest moments in life, which include taking care of his family and being involved in things he cared about. He also mentions that he spent a lot of time reading and writing, and was proud of his achievements in high school.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses how being picked on throughout childhood motivated them to become a successful athlete and prove their bullies wrong.
1:00:58 - 1:03:54 (02:55)
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The speaker discusses how being picked on throughout childhood motivated them to become a successful athlete and prove their bullies wrong.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The idea that the older you get, the less you should care about what people think is flawed.
1:03:54 - 1:09:19 (05:25)
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Personal Growth

The idea that the older you get, the less you should care about what people think is flawed. A good person should care about the impact they have on others and worry about previous mistakes to strive for growth.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
Despite the allure of high salaries, the speaker's motivation for working in law was driven by their love for the court system, intellectual stimulation, and reading case law.
1:09:19 - 1:13:07 (03:48)
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Despite the allure of high salaries, the speaker's motivation for working in law was driven by their love for the court system, intellectual stimulation, and reading case law.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares his thoughts on how he has learned to focus on serving people and not letting past negative experiences define him.
1:13:07 - 1:15:56 (02:48)
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Overcoming Bullying

The speaker shares his thoughts on how he has learned to focus on serving people and not letting past negative experiences define him. He also talks about seeking positivity in one's life.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The speaker believes that as a religious person, they are fulfilling a godly purpose in promoting values and principles such as the right to free speech, freedom of religion, and economic freedom, and that changing people's thinking is necessary for change in society.
1:15:56 - 1:21:11 (05:15)
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Religious beliefs, Political values

The speaker believes that as a religious person, they are fulfilling a godly purpose in promoting values and principles such as the right to free speech, freedom of religion, and economic freedom, and that changing people's thinking is necessary for change in society.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
Despite potential controversy and disagreements, it is important to acknowledge individuals and their mission to serve, support and better people's lives.
1:21:11 - 1:23:26 (02:14)
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Personal Development

Despite potential controversy and disagreements, it is important to acknowledge individuals and their mission to serve, support and better people's lives.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
The key to being a great person is being a good person, making decisions that are beneficial to you and your family every day, and being moral.
1:23:26 - 1:25:56 (02:30)
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Personal Development

The key to being a great person is being a good person, making decisions that are beneficial to you and your family every day, and being moral. Being a great person means being a brick in the wall that is a civilization that is great.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness
Lewis and Ben discuss Earl Nightingale's quote, "your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach."
1:25:56 - 1:27:02 (01:05)
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Lewis and Ben discuss Earl Nightingale's quote, "your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach." Emphasizing the importance of taking consistent action, learning lessons and mastering skills to fulfill your desired dream, they encourage listeners to share and tag them.

742 Ben Shapiro: Problem-Solving in Life and Business
The School of Greatness