

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
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Published: Mon Mar 06 2023

Episode #50 is one of the most important interviews you'll ever hear. Chris Beck is a retired Navy Seal with 20 years service & 15 deployments under his belt. Even with his Bronze Star with Valor, Chris wasn't only known for his skills behind the trigger, but for his brilliance in technology and engineering. Chris pioneered the mission planning systems for all of SOCOM, revolutionized the future of warfare with the "Iron Man" Project, and contracted for the Pentagon with a $600 million dollar research and development budget. Despite all of his accomplishments, Chris was facing demons in private. TBIs, PTSD, and a traumatic childhood sent Chris down a path to find out who he truly was. Through trauma and misguided agendas, Chris transitioned to a woman and after years of being pulled into this ideology, ultimately started the long journey to transitioning back into the man he always was. This episode explores his journey through an abusive childhood, the trans agenda, and the nuance of sexuality & biology. Chris's fiance' Courtney joins us and explains how gender dysphoria can endanger and influence children and how society has reached a breakpoint with these issues. Stick around until the end of the episode to learn how Chris sparing a life in combat may have set the stage for him to save his own and how thousands of others will be. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: - USE CODE "SHAWN" - Use Code "SHAWN" Chris Beck Links: Instagram | Twitter Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

The speaker challenges the 'cancel culture' and invites those offended to make a video of their meltdown.
00:00 - 05:59 (05:59)
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Cancel Culture

The speaker challenges the 'cancel culture' and invites those offended to make a video of their meltdown. His goal with the interview is to give a platform to someone to share their story and provide alternatives for people to make the right decision.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker shares his admiration for how someone can take natural ingredients and make a marketable product out of it.
05:59 - 09:07 (03:08)
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Natural ingredients

The speaker shares his admiration for how someone can take natural ingredients and make a marketable product out of it. However, the speaker suggests homemade recipes using natural ingredients, such as cinnamon and honey, are better than highly-processed store-bought products.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker discusses their discomfort with touch and speculates that it may have been passed down from their parents' parenting style, which involved physical distancing.
09:07 - 13:48 (04:41)
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The speaker discusses their discomfort with touch and speculates that it may have been passed down from their parents' parenting style, which involved physical distancing.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker shares their experience of growing up as the "whipping boy" in a working poor family and not experiencing love or touch.
13:48 - 17:29 (03:40)
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Working Poor

The speaker shares their experience of growing up as the "whipping boy" in a working poor family and not experiencing love or touch.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The pressure to lead a perfect life can cause individuals to fear making mistakes and strive for unrealistic goals.
17:29 - 19:30 (02:00)
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The pressure to lead a perfect life can cause individuals to fear making mistakes and strive for unrealistic goals. This can have negative consequences in their personal and professional lives.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker discusses their decision to buy a motorcycle despite their father's own negative experience with one, causing familial conflict and leading to the speaker living in a shed.
19:30 - 23:38 (04:08)
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Family Relationships

The speaker discusses their decision to buy a motorcycle despite their father's own negative experience with one, causing familial conflict and leading to the speaker living in a shed.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
A SEAL team officer reflects on building a mission planning system for the SEALs and advocating for transgender individuals, emphasizing the importance of treating everyone with compassion and dignity.
23:38 - 29:06 (05:27)
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A SEAL team officer reflects on building a mission planning system for the SEALs and advocating for transgender individuals, emphasizing the importance of treating everyone with compassion and dignity.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The guest shares their personal experience of struggling with gender identity from a young age due to a difficult childhood.
29:06 - 33:11 (04:05)
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Gender Identity

The guest shares their personal experience of struggling with gender identity from a young age due to a difficult childhood.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
This transcript snippet offers some wisdom for both kids and parents, urging young listeners to not let outside influences dictate their lives and calling on parents to raise their children with more life experience under their belts.
33:11 - 35:28 (02:16)
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This transcript snippet offers some wisdom for both kids and parents, urging young listeners to not let outside influences dictate their lives and calling on parents to raise their children with more life experience under their belts.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
By giving dogs warm water before they eat, it helps with their digestion and allows them to poop faster, thereby preventing accidents around the house.
35:28 - 39:27 (03:59)
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Pet Care

By giving dogs warm water before they eat, it helps with their digestion and allows them to poop faster, thereby preventing accidents around the house.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker talks about the incorporation of philosophical ideas into science fiction literature and how he read such books during his high school and junior high days.
39:28 - 42:07 (02:39)
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Science Fiction, Philosophy

The speaker talks about the incorporation of philosophical ideas into science fiction literature and how he read such books during his high school and junior high days.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker discusses an instance in a dive suit class where incorrect information was taught, and how it's important to speak up when you notice wrong teachings.
42:07 - 45:34 (03:26)
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The speaker discusses an instance in a dive suit class where incorrect information was taught, and how it's important to speak up when you notice wrong teachings.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker shares his experience of being inspired by a group of special operations scuba diving Rangers, while reflecting on his decision to pursue a master's degree in mental health counseling at Alford.
45:34 - 52:20 (06:46)
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Mental Health Counseling

The speaker shares his experience of being inspired by a group of special operations scuba diving Rangers, while reflecting on his decision to pursue a master's degree in mental health counseling at Alford.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker expresses concern about the sexualization of children by drag queens, referencing a story about a man who allegedly groomed and sexually abused children on a Native American reservation in the 1980s.
52:20 - 1:00:01 (07:40)
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Child safety

The speaker expresses concern about the sexualization of children by drag queens, referencing a story about a man who allegedly groomed and sexually abused children on a Native American reservation in the 1980s.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker emphasizes the importance of valuing human life, citing the high number of deaths due to various reasons such as hate crimes against groups like Christians and transgender people.
1:00:01 - 1:10:12 (10:10)
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Human Life

The speaker emphasizes the importance of valuing human life, citing the high number of deaths due to various reasons such as hate crimes against groups like Christians and transgender people. They question the government's priorities and discuss the societal issues arising from focusing too much on race.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
Former Navy SEAL, Cade Courtley, sheds light on the role of SEALs in special projects, including their specific geographical locations for operations and the camaraderie they had with other SEALs and foreign military units.
1:10:12 - 2:08:57 (58:45)
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Navy SEALs

Former Navy SEAL, Cade Courtley, sheds light on the role of SEALs in special projects, including their specific geographical locations for operations and the camaraderie they had with other SEALs and foreign military units. He also discusses the evolution of computers in SEAL operations and the misconception about SEALs writing books.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
A former Navy SEAL suggests that the Veterans Affairs (VA) could resolve the issue of mental health problems by setting up a program with qualified veteran coaches under K crap qualified administrators, addressing nutrition, working out, life skills, and other problems veterans are facing currently.
2:08:57 - 3:41:36 (1:32:38)
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Veteran mental health

A former Navy SEAL suggests that the Veterans Affairs (VA) could resolve the issue of mental health problems by setting up a program with qualified veteran coaches under K crap qualified administrators, addressing nutrition, working out, life skills, and other problems veterans are facing currently.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker shares personal reflections on their own sexual identity and how it led to a fear of sexuality, as well as concerns about the dangers of the current psychological community's practices, particularly in regards to gender dysphoria in young people.
3:41:36 - 4:52:57 (1:11:21)
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Sexual Identity

The speaker shares personal reflections on their own sexual identity and how it led to a fear of sexuality, as well as concerns about the dangers of the current psychological community's practices, particularly in regards to gender dysphoria in young people.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The public is largely ignorant about important issues and the media can easily twist information.
4:52:57 - 5:03:45 (10:48)
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The public is largely ignorant about important issues and the media can easily twist information. The guest speaker strategically used social media to educate and ask questions about the topics he discussed on interviews such as Joe Rogan's.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker shares about her personal experience of losing her hair at a young age, and the challenges of feeling the need to hide that aspect of herself.
5:03:45 - 5:08:57 (05:12)
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The speaker shares about her personal experience of losing her hair at a young age, and the challenges of feeling the need to hide that aspect of herself. By embracing who she truly is, she finds common ground with others and is able to learn and grow alongside them, rather than feeling isolated in her struggles.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The importance of communication in relationships is highlighted through an example of a conversation about trans people, and how having an open mind can result in a different and better perspective.
5:08:57 - 5:14:39 (05:42)
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The importance of communication in relationships is highlighted through an example of a conversation about trans people, and how having an open mind can result in a different and better perspective.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker discusses the superficiality of society's view on trans individuals and their desire to adhere to a specific image of femininity.
5:14:39 - 5:16:33 (01:53)
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The speaker discusses the superficiality of society's view on trans individuals and their desire to adhere to a specific image of femininity.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker encourages listeners to avoid forming opinions based on limited information or small fragments of someone's personality.
5:16:33 - 5:18:47 (02:14)
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Personal Development

The speaker encourages listeners to avoid forming opinions based on limited information or small fragments of someone's personality. Judgments should come from a more comprehensive understanding of someone's character.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker reflects on their observations regarding emotions and mood but acknowledges that medical and biological aspects are not considered.
5:18:47 - 5:20:48 (02:01)
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The speaker reflects on their observations regarding emotions and mood but acknowledges that medical and biological aspects are not considered. They express the difficulty in discussing the topic without potentially hurting others and also mention the factor of balancing life experiences and hormone fluctuations.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The conversation around teachers displaying rainbow flags in their classrooms is complicated, as people's experiences and trajectories are different.
5:20:48 - 5:28:29 (07:40)
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The conversation around teachers displaying rainbow flags in their classrooms is complicated, as people's experiences and trajectories are different. However, it can be seen as a form of grooming towards LGBTQ+ students, which can create an uncomfortable and biased environment.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker discusses how the transgender community, as long as they simply live their lives, should not draw any undue attention but there is still a lot of controversy surrounding their access to public spaces.
5:28:29 - 5:33:56 (05:26)
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The speaker discusses how the transgender community, as long as they simply live their lives, should not draw any undue attention but there is still a lot of controversy surrounding their access to public spaces. Overall, this has had a significant impact on society and raises questions about the foundation of people's identity.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
A man recounts how putting on drag with a friend helped him discover that he was trans.
5:33:56 - 5:35:54 (01:58)
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A man recounts how putting on drag with a friend helped him discover that he was trans. He shares how drag performers also helped him understand and explore his identity.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
In this podcast, the speaker discusses the idea of lowering the age of consent and compares it to other actions that young individuals are allowed to take without having fully developed brains to understand the consequences, suggesting that more research must be done before coming to a conclusion.
5:35:54 - 5:43:49 (07:54)
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Age of Consent

In this podcast, the speaker discusses the idea of lowering the age of consent and compares it to other actions that young individuals are allowed to take without having fully developed brains to understand the consequences, suggesting that more research must be done before coming to a conclusion.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
This podcast episode explores the detransitioning transgender community and how labels in psychology can create a permanent label on someone.
5:43:49 - 5:46:23 (02:33)
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This podcast episode explores the detransitioning transgender community and how labels in psychology can create a permanent label on someone.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The podcast host discusses the concept of feeling like a woman with a guest, exploring how individuals define and express their gender identities.
5:46:23 - 5:52:58 (06:35)
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Gender Identity

The podcast host discusses the concept of feeling like a woman with a guest, exploring how individuals define and express their gender identities.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker compliments Kristen Bell's makeup and hopes to exchange tips with her.
5:52:58 - 6:01:06 (08:07)
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The speaker compliments Kristen Bell's makeup and hopes to exchange tips with her.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The speaker discusses the costs and mental health requirements for transitioning from male to female and shares insights from doctors about shortcuts being taken for gender transitions.
6:01:06 - 6:07:54 (06:48)
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Gender Transitions

The speaker discusses the costs and mental health requirements for transitioning from male to female and shares insights from doctors about shortcuts being taken for gender transitions. Discussion includes stories about de-transitioning adults and the mental health counseling process.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The effects of chemical exposure might not be seen now, but in the future, people will start experiencing the consequences of industrialization.
6:07:54 - 6:12:18 (04:24)
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Chemical Exposure

The effects of chemical exposure might not be seen now, but in the future, people will start experiencing the consequences of industrialization. The speaker shares his experience in dealing with chemical exposure and advocates for people to speak up and demand change.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
A person who was once part of an agency reveals how he had a hard time focusing and lost track because of constantly thinking about another person in the same agency.
6:12:18 - 6:14:50 (02:32)
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A person who was once part of an agency reveals how he had a hard time focusing and lost track because of constantly thinking about another person in the same agency.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
A man is sharing a personal anecdote about meeting someone and acquiring useful information while walking through a bazaar.
6:14:50 - 6:18:56 (04:06)
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A man is sharing a personal anecdote about meeting someone and acquiring useful information while walking through a bazaar. He mentions that he is living off disability but this interaction was beneficial for him.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
Tony Johnson talks about the power of a simple smile in changing mindsets and closing the gaps between people of different races, genders, and sexual orientation.
6:18:56 - 6:21:41 (02:45)
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Mindset Shift

Tony Johnson talks about the power of a simple smile in changing mindsets and closing the gaps between people of different races, genders, and sexual orientation. He urges listeners to give people a break and try to close the gap instead of pushing them away.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
A call for Americans to slow down and take a few seconds to see each other as equals in order to start closing the gaps between us.
6:21:41 - 6:24:21 (02:40)
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A call for Americans to slow down and take a few seconds to see each other as equals in order to start closing the gaps between us.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show
The hosts discuss an unconfirmed allegation of a partner being breastfed by their mother, stating that if true it would be a deal breaker.
6:24:21 - 6:24:37 (00:16)
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The hosts discuss an unconfirmed allegation of a partner being breastfed by their mother, stating that if true it would be a deal breaker.

#50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
Shawn Ryan Show