

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
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Published: Wed Aug 17 2022

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati serves on the United Nations Advisory Council on Religion and on the steering committees of the International Partnership for Religion and Sustainable Development (PaRD) and the Moral Imperative to End Extreme Poverty, a campaign by the United Nations and World Bank. Sadhvi has lived for the past 25 years at the Parmarth Niketan ashram in Rishikesh, India, where she oversees a variety of humanitarian projects, teaches meditation, lectures, writes, counsels individuals and families and serves as a unique female voice of spiritual leadership throughout India and the world. Her memoir, HOLLYWOOD TO THE HIMALAYAS, was published in 2021.In this Episode, you will learn:Why your value and worth isn’t associated with what you doHow you are one with the divine/universeHow to move on beyond suffering and find peaceWhy many of us feel like we’re carrying the weight of the worldFor more, go to: Your Triggers and Heal Your Soul w/ Mariel Buqué: Command of Your Addiction & Heal Your Trauma w/ Gabor Mate: Emotional Agility Is The Most Important Skill You Need To Know w/ Susan David: 

The belief that our value and worthiness of love is based on our achievements and external validation begins at a young age and is perpetuated by societal standards and consumerism.
00:00 - 04:26 (04:26)
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The belief that our value and worthiness of love is based on our achievements and external validation begins at a young age and is perpetuated by societal standards and consumerism. This constant messaging convinces individuals that they are not enough in the present moment.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
The physical body experience, sense of fullness, or emptiness is not right and needs to be changed.
04:26 - 12:25 (07:58)
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Spiritual Experience

The physical body experience, sense of fullness, or emptiness is not right and needs to be changed. The only way for people to have awareness of how full they are is to stop identifying as the physical body in the story.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
The brain doesn't have pain sensors and people can have their skulls removed for other purposes, such as brain surgery, where researchers can locate which parts stimulate different emotions such as happiness, anger or sadness.
12:25 - 29:29 (17:03)
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Brain Stimulation

The brain doesn't have pain sensors and people can have their skulls removed for other purposes, such as brain surgery, where researchers can locate which parts stimulate different emotions such as happiness, anger or sadness. A wetsuit can also be used to transmit energy when visualizing it to be closer or further away from the body depending on energy levels.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the guest talks about his experience realizing the divine in nature and how it helped him overcome his personal struggles with mental health.
29:29 - 42:12 (12:43)
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Mental Health

In this episode, the guest talks about his experience realizing the divine in nature and how it helped him overcome his personal struggles with mental health.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
The speaker accidentally discovers an ashram and is given permission to stay by the renowned spiritual leader Swamiji.
42:12 - 52:02 (09:49)
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The speaker accidentally discovers an ashram and is given permission to stay by the renowned spiritual leader Swamiji. Despite not being religious, the speaker is fascinated with the workings of the universe and finds a sense of spirituality in their surroundings.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
The speaker recounts a moment in which a wise man advised him to offer his pain to the Ganga river in India, which he initially dismissed as a Westerner with an over-inflated education, until he eventually let go of his arrogance and gave it a try himself.
52:02 - 57:50 (05:48)
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Letting go

The speaker recounts a moment in which a wise man advised him to offer his pain to the Ganga river in India, which he initially dismissed as a Westerner with an over-inflated education, until he eventually let go of his arrogance and gave it a try himself.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the speaker explores the process of letting go of victimhood and trauma to move towards a more empowered version of oneself.
57:51 - 1:06:06 (08:15)
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In this episode, the speaker explores the process of letting go of victimhood and trauma to move towards a more empowered version of oneself.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
The Hollywood way of thinking involves identifying ourselves with our external characteristics such as our physical appearance, socio-economic status, and gender or sexual identity.
1:06:06 - 1:16:02 (09:56)
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Mental Health

The Hollywood way of thinking involves identifying ourselves with our external characteristics such as our physical appearance, socio-economic status, and gender or sexual identity. This idea leads to a constant feeling of not being enough and can be harmful to our mental health.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
This podcast episode discusses making conscious decisions about challenges we face in life while honoring spirit, truth, and love.
1:16:02 - 1:29:51 (13:48)
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Self Improvement

This podcast episode discusses making conscious decisions about challenges we face in life while honoring spirit, truth, and love. The speaker guides listeners through the process of merging different identities and facing difficulties like taking vows of celibacy, and also emphasizes the importance of recognizing when someone's negativity is not a reflection of one's own merit.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
Each person is unique in their abilities and will manifest their greatness differently, like the different reflections of the sun on billions of containers.
1:29:51 - 1:40:46 (10:54)
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Each person is unique in their abilities and will manifest their greatness differently, like the different reflections of the sun on billions of containers. What matters most is being an effective instrument of the divine flow, rather than the external appearance.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness
The speaker compares providing different channels of the same truth for different people to cooking spinach in different ways for different children with different taste buds, so that each of them can get it in the way that's most digestible and enjoyable for them.
1:40:46 - 1:41:48 (01:02)
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The speaker compares providing different channels of the same truth for different people to cooking spinach in different ways for different children with different taste buds, so that each of them can get it in the way that's most digestible and enjoyable for them.

Discover Your Inner Peace With This Key Secret EP 1307
The School of Greatness