
#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
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Published: Sun Aug 23 2020

Grant Sanderson is a math educator and creator of 3Blue1Brown. Support this podcast by supporting our sponsors: - Dollar Shave Club: https://dollarshaveclub.com/lex - DoorDash: download app & use code LEX - Cash App: download app & use code "LexPodcast" Episode links: 3Blue1Brown: http://youtube.com/3blue1brown Grant's Twitter: https://twitter.com/3blue1brown If you would like to get more information about this podcast go to https://lexfridman.com/podcast or connect with @lexfridman on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, or YouTube where you can watch the video versions of these conversations. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon. Here's the outline of the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. OUTLINE: 00:00 - Introduction 05:13 - Richard Feynman 09:41 - Learning deeply vs broadly 13:56 - Telling a story with visualizations 18:43 - Topology 23:52 - Intuition about exponential growth 32:28 - Elon Musk's exponential view of the world 40:09 - SpaceX and space exploration 45:28 - Origins of the Internet 49:50 - Does teaching on YouTube get lonely? 54:31 - Daily routine 1:00:20 - Social media 1:10:38 - Online education in a time of COVID 1:27:03 - Joe Rogan moving to Spotify 1:32:09 - Neural networks 1:38:30 - GPT-3 1:46:52 - Manim 1:51:01 - Python 1:56:21 - Theory of everything 2:03:53 - Meaning of life

Cash App is donating $10 to FIRST for every new user that signs up with the code 'Lex podcast', and DoorDash is offering $5 off and no delivery fees for new users with the code 'Lex' on orders of $15 or more.
00:00 - 05:12 (05:12)
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Cash App, DoorDash

Cash App is donating $10 to FIRST for every new user that signs up with the code 'Lex podcast', and DoorDash is offering $5 off and no delivery fees for new users with the code 'Lex' on orders of $15 or more. The podcast is presented by Cash App as the number one finance app in the App Store.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker suggests that although he may not invent new ideas in fields like science, he believes he could make new expositional contributions by creating visualizations and offering multi-dimensional explanations for known concepts.
05:13 - 16:21 (11:08)
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The speaker suggests that although he may not invent new ideas in fields like science, he believes he could make new expositional contributions by creating visualizations and offering multi-dimensional explanations for known concepts.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
Topology is more than just surfaces that can bend and stretch but not cut or glue, and it can be a difficult concept to grasp.
16:21 - 22:58 (06:36)
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Topology is more than just surfaces that can bend and stretch but not cut or glue, and it can be a difficult concept to grasp. There are ways to approach topology that can make it more accessible and easier to understand.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The mobility patterns of a city can be modeled to draw conclusions about disease outbreaks in different situations.
22:58 - 27:49 (04:50)
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Disease Outbreaks

The mobility patterns of a city can be modeled to draw conclusions about disease outbreaks in different situations. The R0 value is less useful in modeling endemic diseases where many people have recovered, but plays a direct role in early phase outbreaks.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The podcast explores the topic of exponential growth and how it can be difficult for people to comprehend.
27:49 - 32:48 (04:59)
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Exponential Growth

The podcast explores the topic of exponential growth and how it can be difficult for people to comprehend. The hosts provide examples, such as COVID-19 and the lily pad on a lake scenario to explain the concept.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The guest speaker shares his views regarding the importance of deliberate practice and continuous improvement to reach the pinnacle of success in your chosen field.
32:48 - 44:03 (11:14)
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deliberate practice

The guest speaker shares his views regarding the importance of deliberate practice and continuous improvement to reach the pinnacle of success in your chosen field.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The open source movement started from the time sharing center, where multiple people would access a central computer and make it accessible to others.
44:03 - 50:28 (06:24)
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Open source

The open source movement started from the time sharing center, where multiple people would access a central computer and make it accessible to others. This led to young men inventing a new notion of computation and was the start of the open source movement.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The podcast discusses the writing habits of famous writers, including Stephen King, and how their daily routines impact their productivity.
50:28 - 55:15 (04:47)
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The podcast discusses the writing habits of famous writers, including Stephen King, and how their daily routines impact their productivity. The speaker divulges his desire to change his routine and emulate a Bell Labs type situation to increase the possibility of chance encounters and broaden his creativity.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The pressure of keeping up with other people's ideas of productivity can be overwhelming and depressing, leading to a spiral of inadequacy and self-doubt.
55:15 - 1:00:43 (05:27)
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The pressure of keeping up with other people's ideas of productivity can be overwhelming and depressing, leading to a spiral of inadequacy and self-doubt.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker discusses the anxiety that can arise from receiving negative feedback on social media, particularly when comments are not representative of the intended audience or misinterpreted.
1:00:43 - 1:06:32 (05:48)
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Social Media Anxiety

The speaker discusses the anxiety that can arise from receiving negative feedback on social media, particularly when comments are not representative of the intended audience or misinterpreted. They suggest balancing checking social media regularly with taking breaks and responding empathetically to negative comments.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The speaker reflects on the challenges of trying to fulfill the requests of their loyal followers, as well as sharing tips on how to integrate OBS with Zoom for broadcasting.
1:06:32 - 1:15:57 (09:25)
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Broadcasting, OBS, Zoom

The speaker reflects on the challenges of trying to fulfill the requests of their loyal followers, as well as sharing tips on how to integrate OBS with Zoom for broadcasting.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The conversation discusses the use of compressors for the camera output and different types of microphones such as lapel and USB mics.
1:15:57 - 1:19:53 (03:56)
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The conversation discusses the use of compressors for the camera output and different types of microphones such as lapel and USB mics. They also talk about the inspiration behind creating raw content and spending time in preparing a single video.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The idea of producing shorter videos around 20 minutes, well-planned and scripted, on specific topics for accessible publication in this time of COVID is discussed by the speaker for better education.
1:19:53 - 1:27:13 (07:19)
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The idea of producing shorter videos around 20 minutes, well-planned and scripted, on specific topics for accessible publication in this time of COVID is discussed by the speaker for better education. Production of quality videos by experts such as teachers and publishing them for wider dissemination could be an excellent way to impart knowledge effectively by breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The concept of YouTube as a platform has the potential to outlive other publishing platforms, bearing a stronger legacy in terms of archived, canonical content for future generations.
1:27:13 - 1:32:46 (05:32)
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The concept of YouTube as a platform has the potential to outlive other publishing platforms, bearing a stronger legacy in terms of archived, canonical content for future generations. Content creators must be cognizant of the fact that their videos may not last on the platform forever.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
GPT-3 serves as a generator to provide potential ideas and the human refines them, creating a powerful symbiosis in math and science.
1:32:48 - 1:40:42 (07:54)
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GPT-3 serves as a generator to provide potential ideas and the human refines them, creating a powerful symbiosis in math and science. GPT-3 could even be used to automatically create mathematical animations by providing it with a high-level description.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The ability of AI to recognize patterns and compress data like numbers, sequences or Taylor's series is limited, though it has the capability to form a compression of data that looks similar and sometimes suggests understanding.
1:40:42 - 1:46:47 (06:05)
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AI technology

The ability of AI to recognize patterns and compress data like numbers, sequences or Taylor's series is limited, though it has the capability to form a compression of data that looks similar and sometimes suggests understanding.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
Through utilizing shaders and proper integration with community preferences, the coding experience can be more interactive and efficient.
1:46:47 - 1:53:37 (06:50)
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Through utilizing shaders and proper integration with community preferences, the coding experience can be more interactive and efficient. Mathematica and other specialized tools are advised for complex graphical and mathematical tasks.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The use of circularly polarized light as a tool can lead to a better understanding of two-state states and quantum systems, which cannot be fully grasped through reading about the hard parts of resolving quantum field theories with general relativity.
1:53:37 - 2:00:36 (06:58)
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Quantum Theory

The use of circularly polarized light as a tool can lead to a better understanding of two-state states and quantum systems, which cannot be fully grasped through reading about the hard parts of resolving quantum field theories with general relativity.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
Mathematicians like James Maynard think beyond the traditonal solutions and engage with similar hard problems, making them more tractable.
2:00:36 - 2:07:11 (06:34)
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Mathematicians like James Maynard think beyond the traditonal solutions and engage with similar hard problems, making them more tractable. It's important to understand the fundamentals of things before attempting to tackle them.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast
The inner structure and processes of flowers, including the evolution of flower colors to attract pollinators, pose interesting questions that add to the excitement and awe of their beauty.
2:07:11 - 2:08:53 (01:41)
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The inner structure and processes of flowers, including the evolution of flower colors to attract pollinators, pose interesting questions that add to the excitement and awe of their beauty. Appreciating the intricate and fascinating science behind a flower can further enhance one's aesthetic appreciation of it.

#118 – Grant Sanderson: Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown
Lex Fridman Podcast