

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
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Published: Mon Nov 02 2020

“Seeking reassurance is distracting you from doing a better job of what you set out to do in the first place.”Seth Godin is the author of 19 bestsellers like Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip, This is Marketing, and many more. He is also the founder of the altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops, which have transformed the work of thousands of people around the world! Both his blog and his podcast are extremely popular and once you listen to this interview you’ll know why!Seth and Lewis sat down this week to talk about what it’s like to be a creator in today’s world, how we can find our life-passions, and details from his new book The Practice: Shipping Creative Work. I am so excited to share this podcast with you. I think it’s going to change your life in a big way, especially if you’re a creative or an artist, or aspiring to be one!For more go to: out Seth’s new book: Seth’s website:

Seth Godin discusses the difficulties of creating deep and meaningful art in the age of short content on social media.
00:00 - 05:23 (05:23)
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Seth Godin discusses the difficulties of creating deep and meaningful art in the age of short content on social media. He also talks about how his new book, The Practice, can help creators navigate the process of creating and shipping their work.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
The speaker encourages listeners to find their passion and purpose by pursuing what they are ordained to do, and to focus on making things better rather than dwelling on past experiences.
05:23 - 12:10 (06:47)
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The speaker encourages listeners to find their passion and purpose by pursuing what they are ordained to do, and to focus on making things better rather than dwelling on past experiences.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares an anecdote of hearing a five-year-old taunting someone in the playground and having the realization that rejection and criticism should not be taken personally.
12:10 - 17:14 (05:04)
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The speaker shares an anecdote of hearing a five-year-old taunting someone in the playground and having the realization that rejection and criticism should not be taken personally. Also, he emphasizes that people do not want to listen to negativity in podcasts.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the speaker talks about learning to trust ourselves in a world where social media can fuel insecurities and comparisons.
17:14 - 21:44 (04:29)
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In this podcast, the speaker talks about learning to trust ourselves in a world where social media can fuel insecurities and comparisons. They also discuss the importance of not trying to sell or hustle people, especially during vulnerable times.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the negative effects of social media on productivity and creativity and suggests time-blocking periods throughout the day to limit usage.
21:44 - 27:42 (05:57)
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Social Media

The speaker discusses the negative effects of social media on productivity and creativity and suggests time-blocking periods throughout the day to limit usage. They also question whether social media is truly necessary for creative work.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares their experience of being afraid of people's opinions and judgment, and wonders whether they care more about the opinions of those close to them or not.
27:42 - 32:55 (05:12)
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Overcoming Fear

The speaker shares their experience of being afraid of people's opinions and judgment, and wonders whether they care more about the opinions of those close to them or not. They also discuss that committing to a significant project and pitching it to trusted individuals can cause some worry.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the host discusses the three most important skills all human beings need to acquire, creativity not necessarily being one of them.
32:55 - 38:13 (05:17)
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Life Skills

In this podcast, the host discusses the three most important skills all human beings need to acquire, creativity not necessarily being one of them. These skills are practical empathy, learning how to learn, and understanding that anyone can contribute to the world.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
The car industry has long held onto certain ideals and ways of thinking, even when they may no longer be necessary or beneficial, simply because it has cost a lot to develop and implement them.
38:13 - 41:25 (03:12)
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Car Industry

The car industry has long held onto certain ideals and ways of thinking, even when they may no longer be necessary or beneficial, simply because it has cost a lot to develop and implement them. This includes Tesla's refusal to reconsider some of their design decisions, and the industry's attachment to the internal combustion engine.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
This podcast discusses how focus groups provide reassurance to companies by observing potential customers' reactions to products, leading to a belief that the future will be ok.
41:25 - 46:23 (04:57)
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Focus groups

This podcast discusses how focus groups provide reassurance to companies by observing potential customers' reactions to products, leading to a belief that the future will be ok.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
The key to improving decision-making skills is to identify and practice certain actions that align with achieving specific goals rather than trying to change the behavior of a certain group of people.
46:23 - 51:06 (04:43)
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The key to improving decision-making skills is to identify and practice certain actions that align with achieving specific goals rather than trying to change the behavior of a certain group of people.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
In this podcast episode, the speaker talks about the habits that creatives should adopt to associate art and money positively, even though it's a topic that they shy away from usually.
51:06 - 56:48 (05:41)
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In this podcast episode, the speaker talks about the habits that creatives should adopt to associate art and money positively, even though it's a topic that they shy away from usually. The speaker suggests that people should think about art and money without feeling bad or icky and turn it into a positive experience by adopting good financial habits.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the host and guest discuss finding one's passion and trusting oneself while pursuing creative endeavors.
56:48 - 1:05:54 (09:06)
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In this podcast, the host and guest discuss finding one's passion and trusting oneself while pursuing creative endeavors. They also touch upon the importance of being positive and identifying solutions to other people's problems in order to achieve success.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
Living intentionally means accomplishing all your dreams before leaving earth.
1:05:54 - 1:09:03 (03:09)
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Living intentionally means accomplishing all your dreams before leaving earth. Making better things and earning permission to talk to like-minded individuals is much better than yelling through a megaphone.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness
In this podcast, the host praises a guest's confrontational interview style and his ability to stand by his beliefs.
1:09:03 - 1:13:00 (03:56)
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Interview style

In this podcast, the host praises a guest's confrontational interview style and his ability to stand by his beliefs. Towards the end, an advertisement for weekly texts with inspiring messages is given and a call to action is made to rate and review the podcast.

1027 Habits of Success for Creatives, Artists & Entrepreneurs w/Seth Godin
The School of Greatness