

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
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Published: Wed Sep 14 2022

A renowned speaker and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress, and childhood development. Dr. Maté has written several bestselling books, including the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection, and Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates and What You Can Do About It. Be sure to check out Gabor's new book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, & Healing in a Toxic Culture, that goes on sale 9/13/22!In this episode you will learn,The difference between primary and secondary trauma.The five things every parent needs to do for their children.Why suppressing your anger is doing more harm than good.The parts of yourself you need to integrate to feel whole.For more, go to out Part 1 of Gabor’s Interview here! You Make Money and Also Be Spiritual? w/ Jay Shetty: Emotional Agility Is The Most Important Skill You Need To Know w/ Susan David:

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the topics of sexual abuse and trauma, warning listeners of potentially triggering content.
00:00 - 02:44 (02:44)
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In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the topics of sexual abuse and trauma, warning listeners of potentially triggering content. They delve into the impact of trauma and the importance of addressing shame when healing.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
Abusers and bullies have a heightened sense of vulnerability and often prey on others' weaknesses, as noted in the Gospel of Thomas.
02:44 - 06:43 (03:59)
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Abusers and bullies have a heightened sense of vulnerability and often prey on others' weaknesses, as noted in the Gospel of Thomas. Acknowledging one's vulnerabilities can be a protection mechanism, and confronting and expressing them is essential for personal growth and healing.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
The podcast episode touches on how parents struggle to accept and love their children when they come out as gay, and the essential needs of children to feel all their emotions, particularly sadness, grief, joy, and pain.
06:43 - 16:15 (09:31)
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The podcast episode touches on how parents struggle to accept and love their children when they come out as gay, and the essential needs of children to feel all their emotions, particularly sadness, grief, joy, and pain.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
In a talk in Berlin, a man asks the audience if they had suppressed important aspects of themselves for the sake of acceptance, to which 500 people raised their hands.
16:15 - 20:54 (04:38)
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In a talk in Berlin, a man asks the audience if they had suppressed important aspects of themselves for the sake of acceptance, to which 500 people raised their hands. Later, a man named Ben revealed to the audience that he was not attracted to members of the opposite sex, encouraging self-liberation through the expression of truth.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
The act of mirroring, where parents recognize, accept and reflect a child's feelings back to them in a context of safety, is critical for a child's development and their ability to form a strong connection with themselves.
20:54 - 25:47 (04:53)
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Childhood Development

The act of mirroring, where parents recognize, accept and reflect a child's feelings back to them in a context of safety, is critical for a child's development and their ability to form a strong connection with themselves. The lack of mirroring can result in a disconnection from oneself, which is one of the main sources of trauma according to trauma expert Peter Levine.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
The speaker emphasizes the importance of unprogrammed play in nature with multiple playmates of different ages for children's overall development, and highlights the significance of experiencing different emotions such as joy, grief, sadness, pain, and anger.
25:47 - 30:50 (05:02)
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Children's Development

The speaker emphasizes the importance of unprogrammed play in nature with multiple playmates of different ages for children's overall development, and highlights the significance of experiencing different emotions such as joy, grief, sadness, pain, and anger.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
A woman describes how attending a private boarding school provided her with a sense of safety and structure amidst chaos at home, allowing her to develop her mental and emotional skills.
30:50 - 36:37 (05:47)
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Boarding schools

A woman describes how attending a private boarding school provided her with a sense of safety and structure amidst chaos at home, allowing her to develop her mental and emotional skills.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
This episode discusses the relevance of healthy rules, boundaries, and affection within families to prevent patterns of tension, arguments, and lack of physical affection.
36:37 - 41:29 (04:51)
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Family Relationships

This episode discusses the relevance of healthy rules, boundaries, and affection within families to prevent patterns of tension, arguments, and lack of physical affection.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
Dr. Gabor Maté explains that all animals, including humans, have a natural circuitry in their brain for anger, and how healthy anger acts as a boundary defense mechanism.
41:29 - 48:07 (06:38)
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anger management

Dr. Gabor Maté explains that all animals, including humans, have a natural circuitry in their brain for anger, and how healthy anger acts as a boundary defense mechanism.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
In this episode, the guest explores the four noble truths in Buddhism, including the nature of suffering and how it relates to attachment and identification.
48:07 - 56:00 (07:52)
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In this episode, the guest explores the four noble truths in Buddhism, including the nature of suffering and how it relates to attachment and identification. He also discusses his own experiences with suffering and self-identity.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
Healing is a process of integrating all the parts of oneself, recognizing and reconnecting to the authentic self, which can be lost due to trauma or disconnection.
56:00 - 1:02:04 (06:03)
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Healing is a process of integrating all the parts of oneself, recognizing and reconnecting to the authentic self, which can be lost due to trauma or disconnection. Being on the healing path involves realizing that certain reactions or addictions are not serving the person and letting go of them.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
This transcript features a speaker rambling on about personal anecdotes and experiences, including chasing someone down in their car and observing changes in their behavior over time.
1:02:04 - 1:08:06 (06:01)
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Personal Anecdotes

This transcript features a speaker rambling on about personal anecdotes and experiences, including chasing someone down in their car and observing changes in their behavior over time.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding trauma and finding solutions to reclaim wholeness and achieve a state of peace.
1:08:06 - 1:14:01 (05:55)
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The speaker discusses the importance of understanding trauma and finding solutions to reclaim wholeness and achieve a state of peace. They reference a New Yorker article and recommend Bessel van der Kolk's book on trauma.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness
An interview with a guest who shares her journey of healing from trauma and pain, overcoming grief, and creating inner peace, as well as her commitment to helping others through her work.
1:14:01 - 1:19:21 (05:19)
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An interview with a guest who shares her journey of healing from trauma and pain, overcoming grief, and creating inner peace, as well as her commitment to helping others through her work.

How To End the Cycle of Generational Trauma w/ Dr. Gabor Mate EP 1319
The School of Greatness