

How to outthink your competition -- with a lesson from sports | Rasmus Ankersen
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Published: Thu Oct 27 2022

Does success come from luck or skill, and how do you tell the difference? One way to find an answer: think like a pro gambler does, says football executive Rasmus Ankersen. Using sports analytics to emphasize his point, Ankersen digs into the reasons why successful companies often hesitate to change until it's too late, offering data-driven lessons on how to stay ahead of your competition.

Rasmus Engerson explains how traditional management thinking leads to the failure of successful companies, and how a concept taken from football analytics can help predict and prevent such failures.
00:00 - 02:58 (02:58)
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Organizational Change

Rasmus Engerson explains how traditional management thinking leads to the failure of successful companies, and how a concept taken from football analytics can help predict and prevent such failures.

How to outthink your competition -- with a lesson from sports | Rasmus Ankersen
TED Talks Daily
The story of how an English gambler used data and analytics to run a little-known football club in Western Denmark, and how it attracted media attention worldwide.
02:58 - 09:09 (06:11)
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football, data analytics

The story of how an English gambler used data and analytics to run a little-known football club in Western Denmark, and how it attracted media attention worldwide.

How to outthink your competition -- with a lesson from sports | Rasmus Ankersen
TED Talks Daily
The goal distribution and shot differential can have a big degree of randomness in football games.
09:09 - 15:19 (06:10)
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The goal distribution and shot differential can have a big degree of randomness in football games. Shot differential is a trusted statistic for gamblers that indicates the difference between the number of shots a team produces versus the number of shots the opponent produces.

How to outthink your competition -- with a lesson from sports | Rasmus Ankersen
TED Talks Daily
Organizations should think and ask themselves the questions of a good gambler if they want to differentiate luck from skill and stay relevant in the market.
15:19 - 16:18 (00:58)
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Organizations should think and ask themselves the questions of a good gambler if they want to differentiate luck from skill and stay relevant in the market.

How to outthink your competition -- with a lesson from sports | Rasmus Ankersen
TED Talks Daily