
871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
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Published: Mon Nov 04 2019

BE MILITARY MINDED. A lot of people think that leadership means having all the answers. Barking orders at your team, hoping they stay in line and obey. Pretending to know it all even when you don’t. True leadership is understanding human nature. What if leaders accepted responsibility for any mistakes made on their teams? We have to stop thinking of leadership as a destination. It is a journey where we listen, learn, and strategize with our teams, not for them. It’s not about ego; it’s about humility, balance, accountability, and execution. In today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about the art of leadership with a retired Navy SEAL officer and a business consultant: Jocko Willink. Jocko Willink is a decorated retired Navy SEAL officer, author of the book ‘Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win,’ and co-founder of Echelon Front, where he is a leadership instructor, speaker, and executive coach. Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising the ranks to become a SEAL officer. As commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi, he orchestrated SEAL operations that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the U.S. Army’s First Armored Division bring stability to the violent, war-torn city. Task Unit Bruiser became the most highly decorated Special Operations Unit of the Iraq War. Jocko returned from Iraq to serve as Officer-In-Charge of Training for all West Coast SEAL Teams. There he spearheaded the development of leadership training and personally instructed and mentored the next generation of SEAL leaders who have continued to perform with great success on the battlefield. In 2010, Jocko retired from the Navy and launched Echelon Front with Leif Babin, where he teaches the leadership principles he learned on the battlefield to help others lead and win. Jocko has put together leadership principles that will help you become a successful leader. So get ready to learn the art of strategy and leadership on Episode 871. Some Questions I Ask: What did you learn when you took on the leadership role as a Navy SEAL? (09:00) How do you make sure that your intent is felt all of the way down the chain of command? (17:30) Do you have a mission and mantra for your company? (23:00) Is there a connection between leadership and human nature? (36:30) How important is feedback from your team? (52:00) What’s the most important relationship we have in our lives? (1:10:30) In This Episode You Will Learn: The toughest challenges when becoming a Navy SEAL leader. (9:00) The most humbling moment on the battlefield. (11:45) How to take responsibility when you’re in a big organization. (19:30) Why leadership is about understanding human nature. (36:30) Two things leaders can do to improve immediately. (54:00) How to handle yourself when your ego wants to respond. (01:00:10) How to take ownership of your decisions in life. (1:02:30) If you enjoyed this episode, check out the video, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/871 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes

Jocko Willink, retired Navy officer and CEO of Echelon Front, discusses extreme leadership, designing your mission, and the power of true self-discipline.
00:00 - 03:20 (03:20)
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Jocko Willink, retired Navy officer and CEO of Echelon Front, discusses extreme leadership, designing your mission, and the power of true self-discipline.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Military training involves timed runs, obstacle courses, and various evolutions such as underwater knot tying and life-saving, with the hardest day being the one where most people quit due to a graphic video showing an enemy cutting off the head of an American.
03:20 - 08:53 (05:32)
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Military training

Military training involves timed runs, obstacle courses, and various evolutions such as underwater knot tying and life-saving, with the hardest day being the one where most people quit due to a graphic video showing an enemy cutting off the head of an American.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL commander, opens up about the fear he felt during his last deployment and the importance of being humble.
08:53 - 13:01 (04:08)
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Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL commander, opens up about the fear he felt during his last deployment and the importance of being humble. They discuss the challenges of transitioning from a team member to a leadership role and the common belief that nothing will happen to oneself.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Thinkific is offering a free training plan worth more than $300 at no cost to get started with their platform.
13:01 - 16:24 (03:22)
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Online Course Creation

Thinkific is offering a free training plan worth more than $300 at no cost to get started with their platform. The course teaches how to refine your topic, outline content, and start selling your course to a wider audience.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The opening chapter of Extreme Ownership tells the story of a friendly fire incident in the military that resulted in deaths and injuries among the troops.
16:24 - 20:12 (03:48)
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The opening chapter of Extreme Ownership tells the story of a friendly fire incident in the military that resulted in deaths and injuries among the troops. It highlights the importance of taking ownership of mistakes and finding solutions to prevent them from happening again.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The importance of taking responsibility as a leader and the consequences of failing to do so are discussed in this podcast episode.
20:12 - 23:06 (02:53)
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The importance of taking responsibility as a leader and the consequences of failing to do so are discussed in this podcast episode.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Failure to understand a company's mission statement can lead to poor decision-making in the frontline.
23:06 - 31:27 (08:20)
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Mission statement

Failure to understand a company's mission statement can lead to poor decision-making in the frontline. Detailed mission statements and mantras can help guide employees towards the company's goal, even in challenging situations.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
A former soldier talks about his experience being a father and going off to war, sharing how he put thoughts of his family aside to avoid distractions during deployment.
31:27 - 36:27 (05:00)
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A former soldier talks about his experience being a father and going off to war, sharing how he put thoughts of his family aside to avoid distractions during deployment.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The speaker shares about their fascination with uncovering how people react in chaotic situations, witnessing good and evil and how it shapes human nature.
36:27 - 43:30 (07:03)
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Human Nature

The speaker shares about their fascination with uncovering how people react in chaotic situations, witnessing good and evil and how it shapes human nature. They believe that human nature gets revealed most clearly when things are chaotic.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Ego is vital when it comes to success, yet if it isn't kept in check it can lead to overstepping powers and making mistakes, ultimately causing one's downfall.
43:30 - 46:18 (02:47)
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Ego is vital when it comes to success, yet if it isn't kept in check it can lead to overstepping powers and making mistakes, ultimately causing one's downfall.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Good attitude is crucial in executing a plan.
46:18 - 50:04 (03:46)
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Good attitude is crucial in executing a plan. A good leader communicates the plan or mission to the team, and it's up to the team to have a positive attitude when facing obstacles while executing it.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The importance of balancing aggression and humility as a leader, and the rewards of a fulfilling personal life.
50:04 - 52:17 (02:12)
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The importance of balancing aggression and humility as a leader, and the rewards of a fulfilling personal life.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The speaker highlights the importance of constructive criticism in the workplace and how it can benefit teams in coming up with effective plans for clients, regardless of their size or value to the company.
52:17 - 56:40 (04:23)
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Workplace Dynamics

The speaker highlights the importance of constructive criticism in the workplace and how it can benefit teams in coming up with effective plans for clients, regardless of their size or value to the company.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Listening is critical for leaders, who should be listening 98% of the time and talking only 2%.
56:40 - 1:00:04 (03:23)
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Listening is critical for leaders, who should be listening 98% of the time and talking only 2%. By creating a positive environment and allowing people to speak their minds, leaders can gain valuable insights and make better-informed decisions.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
This conversation explores the role of emotions in conflict resolution, as well as techniques to de-escalate conflict by acknowledging emotions but also not letting them get out of control.
1:00:04 - 1:03:55 (03:50)
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Conflict Resolution

This conversation explores the role of emotions in conflict resolution, as well as techniques to de-escalate conflict by acknowledging emotions but also not letting them get out of control.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Taking ownership of what's going on in your life is essential to achieving success even when things are not going as planned.
1:03:55 - 1:06:11 (02:15)
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Personal Development

Taking ownership of what's going on in your life is essential to achieving success even when things are not going as planned. It involves acknowledging when things go awry and accepting responsibility for them without blaming others.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Hear tips for having a successful marriage and how to effectively communicate and resolve conflicts, including arguments with your spouse.
1:06:11 - 1:08:30 (02:19)
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Hear tips for having a successful marriage and how to effectively communicate and resolve conflicts, including arguments with your spouse.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The podcast discusses building confidence and relationships in new work environments, with emphasis on the importance of communication, learning, and emotional intelligence.
1:08:30 - 1:13:52 (05:21)
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Confidence, relationships, communication, emotional intelligence

The podcast discusses building confidence and relationships in new work environments, with emphasis on the importance of communication, learning, and emotional intelligence.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The way we talk to ourselves and show up for our needs and emotions is just as important as the relationships we have with others, and they all need to be nurtured and built upon.
1:13:52 - 1:18:29 (04:36)
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The way we talk to ourselves and show up for our needs and emotions is just as important as the relationships we have with others, and they all need to be nurtured and built upon.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The importance of finding a new mission after leaving the military is discussed, as well as the potential challenges faced in determining one's identity post-retirement.
1:18:29 - 1:22:07 (03:37)
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Military Transition

The importance of finding a new mission after leaving the military is discussed, as well as the potential challenges faced in determining one's identity post-retirement.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Lack of discipline is a major hurdle for most people in achieving their goals.
1:22:07 - 1:25:37 (03:29)
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Lack of discipline is a major hurdle for most people in achieving their goals. The tougher challenges you face, the more confidence you gain, ultimately leading to success.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Successful people are disciplined in all aspects of their life, be it relationships, finance, or fitness.
1:25:37 - 1:29:49 (04:12)
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Successful people are disciplined in all aspects of their life, be it relationships, finance, or fitness. Discipline is also essential when working on projects, as it helps create a structure and meet deadlines.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The podcast host asks the guest to share three lessons they have learned from their life's experiences that they want to teach others.
1:29:49 - 1:32:59 (03:09)
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Life lessons

The podcast host asks the guest to share three lessons they have learned from their life's experiences that they want to teach others.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
The guest talks about his transition from a 20-year military career to serving in the corporate world and manufacturing clothing through his company, OriginMaine.
1:32:59 - 1:37:48 (04:49)
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The guest talks about his transition from a 20-year military career to serving in the corporate world and manufacturing clothing through his company, OriginMaine.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness
Tommy Baker advises to reflect on the things that aren't serving us and let them go in order to move forward in a more powerful way and grow into the person we were born to become.
1:37:48 - 1:40:57 (03:09)
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Self Improvement

Tommy Baker advises to reflect on the things that aren't serving us and let them go in order to move forward in a more powerful way and grow into the person we were born to become.

871 Jocko Willink on Extreme Leadership and The Power of Self-Discipline
The School of Greatness