
#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
It's the end of 2022 and to celebrate I thought I'd run through some of the best lessons I've picked up over the last 12 months. This year has had over 10,000 minutes of episodes produced so there was a lot to choose from but I ended up settling on 16 insights from some of my favourite conversations, articles and books, both inside and outside of the podcast. Expect to learn why Jocko Willink thinks that most people overcomplicate motivation, what Joe Rogan taught me about difficult and valuable things, why Douglas Murray makes a mean manhattan cocktail, how Jordan Peterson highlighted the price you pay for inaction, how Rob Henderson predicts the news cycle with amazing accuracy, how Rick from Rick & Morty can help you be more confident and much more... Sponsors: Get 10% discount on all Gymshark’s products at https://bit.ly/sharkwisdom (use code: MW10) Get the Whoop 4.0 for free and get your first month for free at http://join.whoop.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get £150 discount on Eight Sleep products at https://eightsleep.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/
The speaker talks about his experience with a liquid-cooled mattress topper and how it regulates his body temperature, and also mentions a sleep tracking tool that tracks his workouts, heart rate, breathing, sleep, and recovery.
00:00 - 05:15 (05:15)
The speaker talks about his experience with a liquid-cooled mattress topper and how it regulates his body temperature, and also mentions a sleep tracking tool that tracks his workouts, heart rate, breathing, sleep, and recovery. He also advertises an 8 Sleep product that uses dynamic cooling and heating to maintain the optimal sleeping temperature for the body's needs.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
Adding a sense of urgency by reminding yourself of the cost of inaction can help make difficult decisions, as time does not always bring new information.
05:15 - 12:43 (07:28)
Adding a sense of urgency by reminding yourself of the cost of inaction can help make difficult decisions, as time does not always bring new information.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker discusses the history of sexual trade-offs and the psychology behind delayed gratification through the example of starting a business.
12:43 - 23:37 (10:54)
The speaker discusses the history of sexual trade-offs and the psychology behind delayed gratification through the example of starting a business.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker reflects and shares how his exposure has exponentially increased year on year, speaking with caveats for rational assessment of his views, and a quote to put into perspective the reality that people don't think about us as much as we think.
23:37 - 33:13 (09:35)
The speaker reflects and shares how his exposure has exponentially increased year on year, speaking with caveats for rational assessment of his views, and a quote to put into perspective the reality that people don't think about us as much as we think.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
The speaker offers insights into the behavior of people that suffer from low self-esteem, highlighting that many mold their reality to justify their miserable disposition.
33:13 - 39:10 (05:57)
The speaker offers insights into the behavior of people that suffer from low self-esteem, highlighting that many mold their reality to justify their miserable disposition.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
We must choose our regrets in life, as any regret is a by-product of a suboptimal decision and could be unavoidably baked into the fabric of life.
39:10 - 43:59 (04:48)
We must choose our regrets in life, as any regret is a by-product of a suboptimal decision and could be unavoidably baked into the fabric of life. It is important to determine which regrets we can live with and which ones we can't forgive ourselves for.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
Sometimes, applying more cognitive effort to a cognitive problem does not help, as trying to think your way out of overthinking is like trying to sniff your way out of cocaine addiction.
43:59 - 54:12 (10:12)
Sometimes, applying more cognitive effort to a cognitive problem does not help, as trying to think your way out of overthinking is like trying to sniff your way out of cocaine addiction. Recognizing and addressing the emotions that contribute to overthinking can be a more effective solution.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
Give yourself permission to decide in advance what you will not prioritize when committing to a small number of focused projects.
54:12 - 1:07:36 (13:24)
Give yourself permission to decide in advance what you will not prioritize when committing to a small number of focused projects. Celebrate your accomplishments when completing a challenging task that you didn't think you could do.
Episode#565 - 16 Lessons From 2022 - Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson & Jocko Willink
PodcastModern Wisdom
Chris Williamson suggests the task of coming up with the most important principles or lessons learned over the year.
1:07:36 - 1:09:59 (02:23)
Chris Williamson suggests the task of coming up with the most important principles or lessons learned over the year. He also offers a free reading list and discounts for Eight Sleep products.