

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
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Published: Fri Dec 31 2021

When you think about the past, what can you remember the most? What have become the most memorable moments in your life? Was it a childhood trip on the beach? A Christmas present that you still kept with you until today?In this episode, Jay Shetty shares the lessons he has learned from his past interviews and solo episodes, and how life changing these conversations are for the past two years. Get your copy of Think Like a Monk today by clicking this link! Lessons learned over the last 300 episodes02:54 Lesson #1: Be patient for the big things and impatient about the small things06:17 Lesson #2: Nothing is as scary as you think12:53 Lesson #3: People won’t always see your best work, do it anyway16:54 Lesson #4: People will surprise you if you let them19:25 Lesson #5: You don’t know what anyone is going through, so don’t waste your time on it20:23 Lesson #6: Your health is unique so treat it that way24:50 Lesson #7: Figure out what you like doing with your partner and with friends26:57 Lesson #8: You can do anything you want in 48 hours if your pur your mind into it 30:24 Lesson #9: Consistency continues to bring the greatest joy32:17 Lesson #10: Experiences are greater than thingsLike this show? Please leave us a review here - even one sentence helps! Post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag us so we can thank you personally!See for privacy information.

Jay Shetty expresses gratitude to his listeners for their support in the 300th episode of On Purpose, and encourages them to revisit old episodes and spread the word about the podcast.
00:00 - 04:38 (04:38)
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Jay Shetty expresses gratitude to his listeners for their support in the 300th episode of On Purpose, and encourages them to revisit old episodes and spread the word about the podcast.

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Eva Longoria shares her approach for balancing multiple projects and building her career, and highlights the importance of patience and persistence.
04:39 - 12:09 (07:30)
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Career Strategy

Eva Longoria shares her approach for balancing multiple projects and building her career, and highlights the importance of patience and persistence.

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Chase Jarvis shares how to stop caring about others' opinions and start taking action towards your goals, even when others might not understand them
12:09 - 19:40 (07:30)
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Chase Jarvis shares how to stop caring about others' opinions and start taking action towards your goals, even when others might not understand them

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
People are often quick to judge others based on social media or news articles, but if we take the time to get to know someone, we may be surprised by what we learn.
19:40 - 24:40 (04:59)
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People are often quick to judge others based on social media or news articles, but if we take the time to get to know someone, we may be surprised by what we learn. It's important to recognize that we don't know what someone is going through and not waste time on judgment.

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
The speaker shares how she discovered that oats were making her feel bloated and uncomfortable in the morning, but switching to chia pudding with blueberries and raspberries helped her feel activated for the day.
24:40 - 28:42 (04:02)
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The speaker shares how she discovered that oats were making her feel bloated and uncomfortable in the morning, but switching to chia pudding with blueberries and raspberries helped her feel activated for the day. She also highlights the importance of understanding your body's micronutrient needs for optimal health and wellbeing.

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
The COVID-19 relief fund received a total of $2.5 million in donations through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, along with contributions from Vinod Khosla, Ray Dalio and Indiaspora.
28:42 - 35:46 (07:03)
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COVID-19, Social Media

The COVID-19 relief fund received a total of $2.5 million in donations through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, along with contributions from Vinod Khosla, Ray Dalio and Indiaspora. In addition, the importance of discovering shared interests with others was emphasized as a way to maintain healthy relationships.

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Panasonic has launched its Green Impact Initiative, aiming to achieve net-zero in-house carbon emissions by 2030, making the well-being of the planet a top priority.
35:46 - 40:45 (04:59)
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Panasonic Green Impact Initiative

Panasonic has launched its Green Impact Initiative, aiming to achieve net-zero in-house carbon emissions by 2030, making the well-being of the planet a top priority.

10 Lessons I have Learned from the Last 300 Episodes of On Purpose
On Purpose with Jay Shetty