

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
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Published: Sat Jul 31 2021

The second instalment of our let’s get friendly episodes with the glorious Phoebe, here to talk about situationships, setting healthy boundaries and climate anxiety.  See for privacy information.

This episode of Louder Than a Riot discusses how the double standard became the standard in rap and explores its effects on the genre.
00:00 - 01:57 (01:57)
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Rap Music

This episode of Louder Than a Riot discusses how the double standard became the standard in rap and explores its effects on the genre.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
In this podcast snippet, two people share their experience of meeting their twin flame through a mutual friend.
01:57 - 06:11 (04:13)
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Twin Flame

In this podcast snippet, two people share their experience of meeting their twin flame through a mutual friend. They both express a deep connection and understanding with each other upon first meeting.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The COVID-19 pandemic added an extra layer of difficulty to the already challenging role of a student representative in a college setting, as students faced restrictions and sudden changes.
06:11 - 10:12 (04:01)
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Student Representatives

The COVID-19 pandemic added an extra layer of difficulty to the already challenging role of a student representative in a college setting, as students faced restrictions and sudden changes. This affected the mental health and wellbeing of both students and representatives.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
Situationships arise as a cure for social loneliness where one feels seen, heard and supported.
10:12 - 16:24 (06:11)
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Situationships arise as a cure for social loneliness where one feels seen, heard and supported. It's believed that long-term relationships and partnerships aren't natural, leading to a lot of short-term dating experiences rather than something more serious and long-lasting.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The speaker shares how they tried to convince someone to move with them to a certain place, but ultimately realized that they shouldn't force someone to do something they don't want to do.
16:24 - 19:42 (03:18)
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The speaker shares how they tried to convince someone to move with them to a certain place, but ultimately realized that they shouldn't force someone to do something they don't want to do. They learned how to let go and move on from the relationship.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The speaker discusses her experience with valuing herself based on other people's opinions of her and the importance of being true to your actual self to prevent feelings of distress.
19:42 - 24:20 (04:37)
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The speaker discusses her experience with valuing herself based on other people's opinions of her and the importance of being true to your actual self to prevent feelings of distress.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
In this episode, the speaker talks about the importance of reevaluating one's relationships and letting go of unhealthy ones to make way for personal growth and self-love.
24:20 - 27:03 (02:42)
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In this episode, the speaker talks about the importance of reevaluating one's relationships and letting go of unhealthy ones to make way for personal growth and self-love.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The speaker suggests that one should not tolerate behavior from a romantic partner that they wouldn't tolerate from a friend or even a boss.
27:03 - 30:06 (03:02)
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Relationship Advice

The speaker suggests that one should not tolerate behavior from a romantic partner that they wouldn't tolerate from a friend or even a boss. Setting boundaries is important to maintain healthy relationships.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The concept of emotional labor is affected by the patriarchy and can cause confusion in relationships, particularly when it comes to setting boundaries.
30:06 - 35:55 (05:49)
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Emotional Labor

The concept of emotional labor is affected by the patriarchy and can cause confusion in relationships, particularly when it comes to setting boundaries. One person shares their experience of feeling like a psychologist and prostitute when trying to navigate emotional labor with their partners.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The speaker discusses the psychological motivations behind viewing people in binary terms such as good or bad, evil or angel, and the incentive to do so, which can link back to high integrative and low integrative complexity.
35:55 - 39:55 (04:00)
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The speaker discusses the psychological motivations behind viewing people in binary terms such as good or bad, evil or angel, and the incentive to do so, which can link back to high integrative and low integrative complexity.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The war on Iraq is an example of low integrative and high integrative complexity.
39:55 - 42:50 (02:54)
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Australia, War on Iraq, Vector-borne Diseases

The war on Iraq is an example of low integrative and high integrative complexity. Rising temperatures will lead to an increase of vector-borne diseases such as malaria in Australia.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The speaker discusses the dangers of categorizing people based on patterns of behavior and traits in psychology, while also describing their own methods for efficiently writing essays.
42:50 - 46:06 (03:15)
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The speaker discusses the dangers of categorizing people based on patterns of behavior and traits in psychology, while also describing their own methods for efficiently writing essays.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The issue of climate change is a perfect example of a collective action problem.
46:06 - 50:05 (03:59)
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climate change

The issue of climate change is a perfect example of a collective action problem. While everyone contributes to the problem, it is essential to recognize the social and economic factors that drive our dependence on coal and other fossil fuels.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The speaker talks about the prevalence of racism in Australia and emphasizes the importance of traveling to developing countries to empathize with other cultures and perspectives.
50:05 - 56:58 (06:52)
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Racism, Travel, Developing Countries

The speaker talks about the prevalence of racism in Australia and emphasizes the importance of traveling to developing countries to empathize with other cultures and perspectives.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
A young person reflects on the education they received and feels compelled to use their power to benefit future generations.
56:58 - 1:00:39 (03:41)
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A young person reflects on the education they received and feels compelled to use their power to benefit future generations. This is a common theme in one's 20s.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s
The Louder Than a Riot podcast discusses how the double standard has become the standard in rap and the negative impact it has had on the genre.
1:00:39 - 1:03:03 (02:23)
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Rap Music

The Louder Than a Riot podcast discusses how the double standard has become the standard in rap and the negative impact it has had on the genre. Next Question, the new podcast season, explores the written rules of rap and how they affect the industry.

5. Let’s Get Friendly with Phoebe - emotional labour, high integrative complexity and boundaries
The Psychology of your 20’s