

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
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Published: Sat Jan 08 2022

Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko are Philosophy Professors at the University of Notre Dame and authors. How to lead a good life is one of the biggest quandaries that humans struggle with. How to think about status and money and love and death are huge challenges. Today we get to find out some of philosophy's answers to life's most fundamental questions. Expect to learn the role of truth in leading a good life, what history has to teach us about responsibility and agency, why Socrates was the world's first troll, how generosity is linked to fulfilment, what Marcus Aurelius says about fears of the future, Paul & Meghan's issues with Stoicism and much more... Sponsors: Join the Modern Wisdom Community to connect with me & other listeners - Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours at (discount automatically applied) Get 20% discount on the highest quality CBD Products from Pure Sport at (use code: MW20) Extra Stuff: Buy The Good Life Method -  Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → To support me on Patreon (thank you): - Get in touch. Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Email: 

Learn about the benefits of having salt in water rather than coffee first thing in the morning to stay optimally hydrated throughout the day.
00:00 - 01:51 (01:51)
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Learn about the benefits of having salt in water rather than coffee first thing in the morning to stay optimally hydrated throughout the day. Also explore the philosophical concepts of truth, responsibility, generosity, and fear of the future for leading a good life.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
Socrates criticized people for being addicted to cultural lies about money and honor instead of pursuing things that are really worth having, which led to heated debates and ultimately his downfall.
01:51 - 06:13 (04:21)
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Socrates criticized people for being addicted to cultural lies about money and honor instead of pursuing things that are really worth having, which led to heated debates and ultimately his downfall. An ad for a CBD product is mentioned in the transcript.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The complaints that Socrates had about Ancient Athens' political debate and how it connects to the way people try to win arguments on social media, as well as a conversation on the importance of questioning the status quo.
06:12 - 12:57 (06:44)
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The complaints that Socrates had about Ancient Athens' political debate and how it connects to the way people try to win arguments on social media, as well as a conversation on the importance of questioning the status quo.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The hosts discuss the benefits of cooperative discussion in teaching philosophy instead of using subtle techniques to mold people's minds to agree with you, and the importance of wanting the truth in discussions rather than just trying to win an argument.
12:58 - 20:14 (07:16)
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The hosts discuss the benefits of cooperative discussion in teaching philosophy instead of using subtle techniques to mold people's minds to agree with you, and the importance of wanting the truth in discussions rather than just trying to win an argument.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The hosts explore virtues that may lead to a good life, based on the human excellences thought of by Aristotle, in order to help readers critically evaluate themselves and their understanding of virtues.
20:14 - 28:21 (08:07)
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Virtue Ethics

The hosts explore virtues that may lead to a good life, based on the human excellences thought of by Aristotle, in order to help readers critically evaluate themselves and their understanding of virtues.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The Stoics and many philosophical traditions believe that the solution to the challenges of intellectual capacities is not to tune it down, but rather to go through contemplation.
28:21 - 36:57 (08:35)
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The Stoics and many philosophical traditions believe that the solution to the challenges of intellectual capacities is not to tune it down, but rather to go through contemplation. While some perceive contemplation as a monastic activity, it is actually an appreciative and intellectual way of thinking about one's life and loved ones that can lead to a happier state of mind.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The virtue tradition offers rich and practical philosophical views that can be useful for everyday life, even for secular individuals who may not agree with every aspect of the philosophy.
36:57 - 44:43 (07:45)
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virtue ethics

The virtue tradition offers rich and practical philosophical views that can be useful for everyday life, even for secular individuals who may not agree with every aspect of the philosophy.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
Philosophy provides the resources needed for personal growth and decision making.
44:43 - 56:36 (11:53)
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Philosophy provides the resources needed for personal growth and decision making. It encourages individuals to value truth and care about it more than winning arguments or gaining status, which ultimately leads to a better life.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
Philosophers Anscombe and Bernard Williams suggest using morally thick concepts like generosity and anger to question the stories we tell about our actions, and ensure they aren't always portraying us as the hero.
56:36 - 1:03:31 (06:54)
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Philosophers Anscombe and Bernard Williams suggest using morally thick concepts like generosity and anger to question the stories we tell about our actions, and ensure they aren't always portraying us as the hero. James emphasizes the importance of taking risks with our beliefs and recognizing the legitimate goods at stake with our intellectual lives.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The episode discusses ways on how to make a morally serious difference without automatically giving more to biologically related people compared to individuals who are far away.
1:03:31 - 1:10:00 (06:28)
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Virtue Ethics

The episode discusses ways on how to make a morally serious difference without automatically giving more to biologically related people compared to individuals who are far away. It also tackles how virtue ethics can guide people in making decisions regarding wealth acquisition and helping others.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom
The Good Life Method offers readers a way to incorporate philosophy into their lives without requiring them to take a college course.
1:10:00 - 1:13:52 (03:52)
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The Good Life Method offers readers a way to incorporate philosophy into their lives without requiring them to take a college course. The book provides a step-by-step guide with plenty of handholds for beginners to make progress at the right pace.

#419 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - A Philosopher's Guide To The Good Life
Modern Wisdom