
Moment 78 - World Leading Therapist: A Simple Habit That Will Change Your Life: Marisa Peer
In these ‘Moment’ episodes of my podcast, I’ll be selecting my favourite moments from previous episodes of The Diary Of A CEO. In this moment, Marisa Peer lays out a step by step guide for how to feel like you are enough. The foundation everything we do, every mistake we make, every bad habit we form, is our thoughts. Marisa charts a toxic cycle of self-negativity as ‘Thought, feeling, action, behaviour, thought.’ - it all comes back to thoughts. Change the thoughts, change the action. Change the action, change the behaviour. And so Marisa reveals the life-changing potential of flipping our negative thoughts on our head to say ‘I’m not this, because…’ Listen to the full episode here -https://g2ul0.app.link/41eubuLGUtb Marisa: https://marisapeer.com https://www.instagram.com/marisapeertherapy/ Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Our thoughts and feelings are interconnected and they dictate our actions.
00:00 - 03:03 (03:03)
Our thoughts and feelings are interconnected and they dictate our actions. Thoughts are the foundation and feelings are the driving force behind how we behave in a given situation.
EpisodeMoment 78 - World Leading Therapist: A Simple Habit That Will Change Your Life: Marisa Peer
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
In this podcast, the speaker discusses how faulty evidence from his childhood shaped his beliefs about love and relationships.
03:03 - 09:12 (06:08)
In this podcast, the speaker discusses how faulty evidence from his childhood shaped his beliefs about love and relationships. By becoming aware of this, he was able to overcome his negative beliefs and form new positive ones.
EpisodeMoment 78 - World Leading Therapist: A Simple Habit That Will Change Your Life: Marisa Peer
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
The language we use to describe ourselves can make a huge difference in how our minds perceive us.
09:12 - 12:04 (02:52)
The language we use to describe ourselves can make a huge difference in how our minds perceive us. By shifting from saying "I'm not enough" to "I am enough," we can make a profound impact on our self-worth and beliefs about ourselves.
EpisodeMoment 78 - World Leading Therapist: A Simple Habit That Will Change Your Life: Marisa Peer
PodcastThe Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Our thoughts have the power to shape our lives and it all begins with changing our perspective.
12:04 - 14:25 (02:20)
Our thoughts have the power to shape our lives and it all begins with changing our perspective. By realizing that we are in control of our thoughts, we can change our lives for the better.